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y/n pov

i sleep surprisingly with no nightmares, or at least that is what i thought...

im running around a field at night confused until i see flickers of red light around me appearing then disappearing, i turn around frantically as it keeps coming back. When i don't see it i begin to get worried. Until it appears right infornt of me the person generating it standing before me. Wanda. I relax at just her name. until she walks right through me. I felt like my soul left my body for a second, that is until dreykov appears from the shadows, wanda looks like she is going in for the kill that is until her hands are stopped, confusion paints her face and she trys again but fails.

'you cant hurt me' dreykov laughs. Wanda tries again however to no avail. Dreykov grabs her by the throat lifing her in the air, wanda is gasping for air struggling to get out of his firm grip. Dreykov goes for his belt and i know that is where he keeps his gun and knife. I run towards them unfortunately when i get to the scene my body passes right trough meaning im just left as a spectator. Which means i cant do anything when he plunges the knife deep into her stomach, still suspended in the air she gasps shocked. Dreykov twists the knife in her before pulling it out and stabbing her again. Her body falls limp after a gunshot is herd and i rush up to her however now i can feel her soft skin pale and cold. 'but i can hurt you' dreykov snickers not registering my presence. All life drains from her body as im pulled from this state of unconsciousness.

i wake up barley breathing. I look to the body next to me sleeping peacefully and i take a deep breath relaxing myself a bit, i turn to look at the clock 3:49 am, i know i wont get anymore sleep now so i slowly untangle from wandas arms and back to the bathroom.

I wash my face looking at myself in the mirror before changing into a sports bra and basketball shorts, it's a bit cold but ill survive.

I make it down to the training rooms and walk right up to the punching bags. Tony didn't allow me to use the normal ones after breaking to many so i go for the reinforced ones, with every punch i think of a different person that has every done anything to me. I guess the list was longer than i thought because next thing i know my hands are being grabbed and withdrawn from the punching bag. I look at my hands shocked to see blood than back up at the person holding them.

 'do you wanna talk about it' nat asks all ready knowing something is wrong. I just shake my head and nat hands me a bottle of water, i thank her and drink some.

3rd person

y/n wipes their mouth to see nats eyes on the large scar on her hip, 'it was the first they did' y/n answers her.

'hm' nat responds.

'when they started the torture' y/n elaborates. Nat just nods. The older woman pulls up her shirt to show a matching one on her other hip, however hers is slightly more faded.they smile sadly at eachother. The women continue to exchange stories from their lives for a couple of hours.

'and mom?' y/n questions, nat looks up signalling y/n can continue. 'thank you. For adopting me' nat smiles and pulls y/n into a hug.

'so, you and wanda' nat starts

'mommm' y/n whines getting out of nats grip.

Time skip to breakfast

Wanda, peter, y/n, nat, steve, t'challa, and bucky are all around eating their choice of breakfast. y/n still opting for just juice. Wanda looks over at y/n taking a sip of her juice until her eyes catch on to her hands. 'couldn't sleep?' wanda questions knowing what y/n does when she cant sleep. y/n just shakes her head, 'you should have woken me' wanda suggests

'you know i couldn't do that' y/n sighs 'besides your cute when you sleep' wanda blushes, nat smirks.

'come on kids you have school' nat informs them. Peter shoves the last of his pancake into his mouth drinking his juice. Whereas y/n groans sinking to the floor and laying there.

'cant im dead' she mentions, they all laugh.

'well looks like i don't have to buy dino nuggets for tonight then' tony intervenes stepping into eh kitchen with coffee. Immediately y/n springs up grabbing her bag getting ready to leave.

'y/n?' nat says

'what?' y/n questions. One second nat wanted her to go to school and the next she is stopping her. nat motions to her clothes, and that's when she realised, and laughed, she was still in her training gear, y/n quickly puts her bag down running to her room where she finds her clothes as well as a sleeping shuri. y/n smirks, lifts her off the bed than drops her down effectively waking her.

'morning' she smirks.

'you suck y/n' she groans, y/n grabs her clothes going into the bathroom changing and coming back.

'bye y/n' shuri mentions as y/n walks out of the room. Before falling back asleep.

y/n now ready for school re-enters the kitchen, grabs her bag and follows nat and steve down to the garage, they grab the keys to their motorbikes and get on. Nat never lets y/n drive because supposedly she shouldn't know how and that's illegal but o well.

y/n pov

i get on nats motorbike before her sitting at the front. When she catches up to me she smirks and rolls her eyes before grabbing my waist pulling me to the back of the bike and getting on the front. 'rude' i scoff she just laughs and waits for peter and steve to get on his bike. One everyone is seated we drive of to school. I thought they were gonna use the side entrance but they didn't they used the front. Luckily it was early so not many people were there, which would have been bad since they didn't wear helmets. Once they come to a stop i get off the bike thanking nat and i begin to walk off but nat grabs my wrist. I turn back to her, she grabs my head kissing my forehead before driving off. I roll my eyes playfully and walk up to peter who had just gotten of his bike. His legs are still wobbly and i laugh.

'right, that was your first time ha' i laugh.

'shut up' he pushes me. I push him back and since he can barley walk he falls, and i just laugh out louder, he picks himself of the ground and we walk to the tree. When we get there ned an mj are all ready there

'big news' peter squeals. Ned perks up and mj looks up from her book. 'we got adopted' he smiles, 'and its close to the cemetery so i can visit my family' ned and mj congratulate us smiling sadly at peter.

'who is it?' mj questions

'well nat adopted me' i answer.

'Figured'. Mj says, i nod

'and mr stark adopted me' peter smiles. Neds eyes go out of his head.

'the tony stark adopted you' ned asks shocked. Him and ned go on squealing while i pull mj aside.

'i kissed wanda' i tell her, a small smirk plays on her face. I had been texting mj about wanda for a while. 


good morning people it is currently 1240pm 

immigrant song by lez zeppeilin playing 

today i havent been bothered by my family.

started as a good day

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