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y/n pov
After starwars finished pete and i left to go home, since i was at a different home we go different directions. I walk up the stairs into the apartment i open it with a bobby pin because they never gave me a key. But what she walks in on shocks her. her foster parents looming over 5 different dead bodys. 'ahh y/n there you are' her wicked foster dad greets putting a hand on her shoulder. 'clean this up and you will be rewarded' he grins alcohol reeked breath.

'i- i cant' i curse myself for stuttering.

'no u will' the woman insists slapping me hard. I nod and get to work as soon as they leave. I cant blood bend this time so i am forced t clean them all up normally which takes a good 3 or more hours.

After im done i slump against the bed, falling unable to fall asleep. I feel as though i cannot fall asleep around these murderers. It was easier sleeping around 10's of trained assassins than 2 murderers.  I text peter to see he had already texted me asking if i wanted o go out. I agree and put on my suit and go to meet peter at delmas. However when i get there i see him in a headlock by nat.

'woah, whats this for?' i question

'we NEED your identities and you chose for us to get them the hard way soo' tony explains putting his repulses up in my direction. I nod pretending to surrender and use my powers to get peter and fly off to a old abandoned warehouse, we land on the roof for a breather. The avengers were fast but not as fast as me. We were lucky the twins weren't here or we would be screwed. Suddenly the twins and avengers showup and i just groan like unnecessarily loudly. Which they did not like. As tony blasts me and pete through the roof. We fall over and on many beams which probably broke a couple of our ribs. We land on the floor on our backs very sore and winded by the fall. All the avengers follow down, but we don't fight back. Pietro runs around us cutting off our oxygen until we are gasping. He stops standing straight in front of us

'didn't see that coming' he smirks going to join his sister tony raises his repulser again and peter and i lean against a wall. The pain from the first blast enough. Nat raises her gun clint raises his bow everyone else gets ready, due to out super hearing peter and i can both hear tonys repulsers charging up.

'WAIT' i call out looking at peter 'we might as well tell them,' he looks shocked by my answer 'look i know but they wont stop'

'i was just going with you this whole time i mean i didn't particularly want to give them my identity but i think we are ready now' I nod and we turn to the avengers.

'we will pull our masks off. IF you keep letting us do what we do.' I question.

They all look shocked and put their weapons down. 'yeah okay?' steve says however tony keeps his hand upstill gaining energy. I look at peter and he looks at me.

'3..2..1' we pull of our masks and so many emotions spread across their faces.

'y/n??!! peter?!?!' nat calls out similar responses come from the rest of the team.

'don't look so shocked' we laugh coughing from pain and lack of oxygen. Guilt washes over all there faces realising they hurt us. All these questions and apologies start flying towards is and both peter and i get a sensory overload curling up into balls, tony jumps out of his suit and rushed to peter whereas nat rushed to me. Everyone quietens down, and the sound becomes bearable.

'sir hydras location has been found' Friday informs tony. He nods and stands up after patting petes back. Looking very reluctant to go

'please go home get some rest, and full life stories tmmr after school.' Tony claps and gets back in his suit. Everyone follows and leaves sending us apologetic looks.

'well that escalated' peter laughs. I laugh with him

'yeah, well i guess now they know'

'yeah.' He pauses. 'do you think they will be the same?' he questions

'no. no i dont think so. Not for a while at least.' I look at him knowingly. 'i mean you saw the looks they had when they realised it was us, they looked so guilty for hurting us'.

'yeah their faces were hilarious though' we both laugh and head home. I make it back into the window finding hard to sleep until sleep unwillingly kidnaps me. I don't even wake when there is a lot of crashing and gun shots.

Nats pov
When tony announced that he got a location on 2 hydra agents we all looked guiltily at the kids and left because it was amazing they were less than an hour away from us. We get in our choice of travel we make it to the location blending into society when we get there i cant help but notice that this was y/ns apartment block wanda looks at me obviously having the same thought. 'guys be careful this is y/ns apartment' i speak into the comms they all nod getting the point. Hoping y/n hadn't made it home yet.

we make it into the building, up the various stairs because the building chose today to have its elevator breakdown. We get to the apartment and knock the first time no one answered however we hear people moving around. Steve knocks again and this time the owners answer the man at the door is a taller buff man with a beer belly aswell as a horrible stench and badly cut beard, whereas the woman was a tall lean woman, dark hair cloaked her sharp facial features. When they finally registered us as who we were they slammed the door but no until steve had manages to jar it with his foot. He pushed the door open and looked around at the couple running around collecting stuff they see we have entered and put their hands up in surrender. I leave them with tony, steve, bucky, clint and sam whilst the twins and i search the apartment.

'nat come look at this' Pietro calls for the comms. I come up to his location and see someone i didn't expect already. I shake them awake. y/n wakes up not noticing anything and she rushes into a corner curling up in a ball. She shakes and i come next to her afraid to hold her.

'Возлюбленная его меня нат вернуться в башню вместе с нами. Вы больше не можете быть в системе. приходите домой с нами. Со мной.' (sweetheart its me nat come back to the tower with us. you don't have to be in the system anymore. come home with us . with me.) she looks up at me with hope i can tell she is scared to be this vulnerable right now, scared it is a trap because we knew their secret. Suddenly more gunshots are herd and y/n jumps towards me, i hug her lifting her up she clings to me like im her lifeline and to this i am slightly shocked, these past days she has been more vulnerable and emotional, no that that its bad its just different than when i met her. We make it back out to the others and surprisingly no onne is hurt. Well apart from the dead hydra agents but they'll be okay. Being dead. Everyone looks shocked when they see y/n, but chose to ignore it. I make it to my motercyle but know y/n wont let go so i trade with steve and drive his car back to the tower.

4 chapters today
Yes this all happened in one chapter i feel like i was a jump but o well the plot thickens.

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