baby i love you

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3rd person pov

They walk in and y/n could just about collapse. The group made their way to the back where all their stuff was and sat down. Well mj sat down y/n layed on her with her head on mj's legs using a bag as a pillow, peter went to snag some more snacks from earlier.

'where'd ya get the necklace' y/n smirks. Mj blushes and doesn't respond. Peter comes back over with some snacks. y/n takes one of the mini cans of pringles ripping it open and eating them. 'so mj peter any of you care to explain the necklace' she asks. The don't say anything but i can see them staring at eachother. I narrow my eyes at them i can feel the tension so i loudly eat another chip.

'what do you guys wanna do this session' the teacher says standing in the middle of the room. A bunch of students call out different drama games and ideas. Mj, peter and y/n were the only ones to not answer. By now y/n had sat up after almost choaking on a pringle. The teacher looks over at the trio wanting input

'we don't mind ms' y/n calls out drinking some juice. The teacher sighs and does a vote. Everyone won in a way. The people that wanted to relax and watch a movie sat at the back with a laptop and they got to pick a movie. The teacher didn't mind what they watched. Others who wanted to play games like, park bench or baby i love you or mafia (you get the point) were able to go on the stage to play the game and others spread out around the place eating and playing board or card games. Everyone loved ms she was the class most kids looked forward to. This particular class was quite small as well

The trio were over playing the drama games. y/n and mj were known for their amazing poker faces during baby i love you. Peter on the other hand was known for tripping over and being awkward when it was his turn in the middle.

'okay so for those of you who don't know how to play, basically the person in the middle of the circle will go around and pick one person but no one knows who they pick so the person will make their way over to said person they can do a little act while going there and the goal is for the person to say "baby i love you" to said person and the person has to say back "baby i love you to but i just cant smile" and if they say it without smiling they win" the teacher explained 'idk if that made sense but mj and y/n know how to play, so ask them'.

With that the group started playing. Isabella was the first to get up. Most of drama had no problem going up to anyone regardless of their gender so it was never awkward. Isabella went up to a boy named axel as she went over she acted as if she was tied to a rope and ended up infront of him

'baby i love you' Isabella smirks there is a light blush on axels cheeks which everyone noticed

'b-baby i love you to but i just cant smile' he said smiling a bit. Isabella smirks and moves to sit in his spot as he had lost. A couple more rounds go up and many people challenge y/n and mj trying to get them to break. At this point everyone had gone up except the trio

'okay this is impossible mj your up i don't care anymore' Antonio says taking mj's seat. She doesn't put up a fight and goes in the middle looking around at the people. i see her smirk and she begins her way over to peter. Peter is already blushing hard.

'baby i love you' mj says crouching down infront of peter placing her hand under his chin as she says it. Peter is blushing a deep red he doesn't answer and his lips are pressed together tightly trying to stop himself from smiling.

'baby i love you to i just cant,' he starts but cant help but smile 'fine i lose' peter says letting out a breath and smiling. Mj smiles and ruffles his hair as he gets up.

They play mafia for while and to finish the session a couple games of park bench are also done.


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