storage room

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y/n pov

i run out of the class room going down any hall turning any corner. I have no idea where im going. Why do they always show up at school its like they are hunting me. Faintly i hear rushed footsteps but i keep running eventually i find a door to the storage room. I open it and crawl into the back corner. Hugging my knees close to my chest i put my head in my knees. Trying to stop the memories i softly bang my head on my knees.

Nats pov

'natasha i don't know where y/n is' i hear mj tell me through the phone.

'what do you mean shouldn't you guys be in class what happened?' i ask sitting on the floor in the training room.

'i don't know what happened before we are all in different maths classes, but about 5 minutes after class started she came into mine on auto pilot. She sat down and her hands started shaking a bit the teacher came over and she ran out' mj breaths

'do you have an idea where she would run to?'

'not really. I know she wouldn't leave the school, at least i think, i ran after her but she was already gone' mj tells me. I put the phone on speaker in my room as i get changed in the bathroom.

'ok im coming, ill hack the cameras to see where she could be'

'ok ill see you soon' mj says hanging up. SHIT i think as i run a hand through my hair i grab my phone and quickly make my way to the elevator leaving many confused avengers eating lunch.

'что такое спешка сестры' (whats the rush sister) Yelena asks stepping from the kitchen with a bottle of vodka and taco?

'boh' (you remember the word mj said in spiderman FFH yeah) i tell her. she glares at me but doesn't question it walking off. The doors to the elevator closes and i begin hacking the school cameras to see where she could have run to.

Peters pov

I was in the middle of mario cart because my amazing maths teacher who brought in his wii when i see mj run past. Mj doesn't run.

'sir can i go to the bathroom?' i question he nods and i quickly pass my controller to alex who was next in line for a turn. I run out and catch up to mj. 'whats wrong? why u running? you never run' i tell her.

'sup dork we need to find y/n i think shes shut down i don't know why nats coming but i don't know how long she will be' mj says still walking around checking empty classrooms. I join her looking around.

y/n pov

i cant do this anymore. Its to much. I cant move. My nails were digging into my legs but i didn't care the feelings i felt against those adults was overwhelming the helplessness to the half a dozen grown men. I wrap my arms around me tighter digging my head into my knees. I hear my phone ring like it has for the past 20 minutes

3rd person pov

Nat pulls up to the school and comes in quickly finding mj. 'anything yet?' mj shakes her head 'okay uh where haven't you checked.

'just this hall, but we haven't looked outside' mj says beginning down the hall

'we?' natahsa questions looking in a classroom.

'uh hey nat' peter says showing up near them. Nat greets him and goes to open another door but its locked. She looks up to see which room it is. A storage room.

'mj got a pin, it would make this a lot easier' nat says looking at the lock

'no sorry' she apologises going down the hall more to check. Nat looks around for anything she could use. She had a feeling y/n was behind the door but if she was to just barge in she didn't want to scare her. she looks around and sees a key still in a lock on a locker.

'pete theres a pin in here can you get it?' nat says handing the boy the lock.

'Uh where?' he asks fiddling with the thing in his hands.

'just pull the loop thing off' nat asks him he does as he's told and so thankful for his strength right now. Peter pulls it of and as promised a pin falls out. 'thanks' nat says as she picks it up and fiddles with the lock. it unlocks and she slowly opens the door. Its dark inside but she doesn't want to turn on the light.

y/n pov

i hear footsteps come closer and closer and muffled voices. I couldn't make out what they were saying my mind was trapped. I hear someone stop outside my door and the door handle jiggles. This just brings back more. I curl up impossibly tighter.

Nats pov

I get into the room the light from the hallway providing a bit of guidance. I see someone in the corner off the room. I instantly recognise them as y/n. i crouch down in front of her.

'Эй, маленькая вдова, могу ли я забрать тебя'(hey little widow can i pick you up?) nat asks, she knows that as soon as she is in a familiar environment slowly she will come back.

'нэт?' (nat)y/n asks with a full Russian accent

'эй, я здесь отпускаю' (hey, im here lets go) y/n opens her arms allowing herself to be picked up that's when nat notices the blood on her fingertips. 'oh hun' nat coos picking her up. Nat stands up and carries her out the hall.

'you found her' peter says coming down the hall. Mj smiles and hands her y/ns bag that was abandoned in the classroom.

Natasha takes y/n out of the school and into her car. Putting on the song Death of the Phone Call by Whatever, dad; they slowly drove back to the tower. y/n softly started humming to the song and nat knew that y/n would come back faster.


i dont know what to think about this chapter but o well. 

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