good mood

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time skip to the last day of school

y/n pov

i woke up before wanda for once and i was in a good mood it was 7 o'clock and i felt good. I don't know why but everything seems good in my life right now. I roll over looking at wanda. I smile and sneak out to make breakfast. When i get there Yelena was there.

'hey' i greet she smiles and embraces me in a hug. 'whatcha doing back here?' i ask moving around to get fruits out.

'wanda called me for girls night tonight' Yelena replys looking through the cupboards.

'great' i smile getting some mango nectar juice out for myself. I cut up different berries and put them in some yoghurt in a bowl, i grab more juice and pour it into a cup for wanda. I look over at Yelena to see her grab a bar of something. Then i realise it's a bar nat said has been there for like 5 years. None of the boys have ever realised and keep eating them

'nat says that's like years old, how is it' i ask laughing a bit

'dry' she replys walking over to get some water. I laugh and grab the food.

'ill see you later Yelena' i smile taking the food to a hopefully still sleeping wanda. I begin to walk back to the room when i almost trip over a snake on the floor. I think it would be funny when someone else finds it so i let it be, itll be found soon enough.

I carefully open the door and smile as i see her red hair all over the pillow as she lays stretched out on the bed. Her features were glowing in the morning light. I walk over putting the food on the bedside table. I softly kiss her head rubbing my thumb across her cheek. She smiles and i can tell shes waking up.

'morning buba' she says in a low voice. I smile

'morning i made you breakfast' she grins and sits up. I pass her the food before going to the other side of the bed sitting down again beginning to fold a piece of paper that was on the bed side table.

A couple minutes later The door opens and nat walks in. 'come on im taking you to school' she says

'i hoped u forgot' i groan digging my face into the pillow. 'why do i have to go it's the last day' i try to reason.

'to bad your going' nat says wanda chuckles and floats me over to the door, nat smiles and drags me out aswell

'TRAITOR' i yell down the hall. I hear her contagious laugh echo through the hall. Because i didn't walk nat through me over her shoulder again. 'mommm, i can walk'

'yeah but 1 u wernt and 2 you were gonna run away i know you маленькая вдова' nat says

'no i wasn't' i scoff. I was so going to but she doesn't need to know that. Nat puts me down near the elevator as we wait for peter who is just finishing his waffle as he runs towards us on the roof. He jumps down and smiles we grab out bags and leave.

'mother' i complain as we drive to school 'no one is gonna be there'

'mj is gonna be there' peter says i glare at him. Nat chuckles and doesn't reply.

'u gonna ask her out today?' i ask the boy he nods and shows me a necklace of a black flower

'ask who out' nat presses smirking.

'm-' peter covers my mouth with his hand.

'no one ms romanoff' peter says glaring at me. I lick his hand and he pulls it away disgusted as he wipes it on my shirt. I smirk and open my mouth to speak. Peter realises his mistake a second to late.

'mj, mom. peter here wants to ask mj out today' i tell her as we have matching smirks

'ooo how are you gonna do it'

'can you just drive us to school please than you can meddle with my date if she says yes' peter asks embarrassed

'im multitasking' nat says pulling up to the school.

'bye mom text me where to meet you guys' i say leaving.

'thank you' peter says also getting out the door 'where are you going?' he asks as we walk through the gates

'girls night' i reply kicking snow at him.

We meet mj inside and look around at the normally crowded halls to see only a couple kids around and like 2 outside. 'were you forced to come like i was' i groan shoving my bag in my locker to bothered to carry it.

'yeah my moms forced me' she replied

'tony gave me the choice to come or not' peter says shrugging

'WHAT' i groan. The bell goes and we all head off to drama.


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