life storys

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3rd person pov

They both keep leaning in until they can feel each others breath on their faces. The gap was about to close when there was a knock at the door. Instead of puling away y/n pulls wanda closer pressing their lips together. y/n pulls away smirking before heading to the door, wanda just stands there unable to form a sentence.

'oh hey peter' y/n smirks

'hey y/n uh tony wants to hear our "life storys" as he puts it'. y/n rolls her eyes playfully,

'ok we are coming peter' he nods and walks back down the hall.

y/n pov

'Come on милая' (honey) wanda blushes. i grab wandas hand interlocking out fingers and going back to the lounge room.

'great' tony claps 'peter you first' peter shifts in his seat getting ready to share one depressing tale. Wanda sits down again with her back to the wall on the floor and she pulls me into her with me sitting inbetween her legs. I can tell im blushing and wanda smirks.

'so im born, ta da. Anyway had parents that i didn't really get to know since they died when i was like 4, my mother was pregnant with my soon to be younger sister Teresa, anyway got adotpted by my uncle and aunt live with them for a while when i was what 7 my grandparents died. So all my family was was my aunt uncle and i, than when i was 9 my uncle was shot dead infront of me that night i didn't come home, and stumbled into an old subway tunnel. That's when i got bit by the spider. Uh nothing really happened i met ned at 8 med mj at 13. Than a c-couple days ago m-my aunt may d-died aswell' by now peter had a few tears in his eyes. The team was speechless, i decide to get the spotlight of peter and go

'buckle up for this depressing story of my life,' i smirk. 'ok so it all starts when a couple got drunk and did the devils tango than 9 months later her i come. As soon as my mother could leave the hospital she dumped me at an orphanage, a Russian orphanage to be specific, as far as i know they died in a fire. Uh when i was 2 i was taken by these people who i soon learned to be the redroom. I was trained as the best child assassin until i was 7.they tourtured, starved, abused, manipulated etc etc oh i also graduated at 7 . that's when i met ned back when i was 4 undercover at a school in america until i was back in the redroom and When i was 7 they shipped me to america to be under cover, i ended up in the system by some trade by an older widow, was in the system till i was 9, back and forth between Russian homes and American most had harsh punishments but i survived one. Uh one used me if you know what i mean,. From what 9-14 i was back in the redroom punished for leaving even though it wasn't my fault, they came up with new methods, chemical subjugation and all thay jazz, dreykov got the idea from hydra and teamed up with them, they did experiments on me for a while that's how i got these powers, than on the day of my birthday i escaped the redroom. I was in the streets for a couple of days i was beat up by some gang and that's when i bumbed into nat' i guestured to her 'uh so that's also when i started texting nat over a wrong number. I got found by my old case worker and got put in another home, they beat me bla bla nothing i wasn't already used to, after they were caught i went to an orphanage, now that home was interesting, one time the owner shoved me in a freezer for who knows how long, that's the day i showed up at the tower sick.' I took a breath, i could feel wandas safe grip around my waist an i put my head against her chest. 'than you basically know from there.' I summed up leaning fully into wanda, that brought up some unpleasant memories. Everyone is on the verge of crying some had tears down their faces, 'what?, why are you all crying its not that bad' they look up at me many emotions at once, so many thoughts, to many sounds. Wanda seems to feel it as well as she gently massages my head.

y/n wanda minds


Yeah bubs

Can we start dinner i ruined the mood

Sure and its okay

We get up and make our way to the kitchen to make dinner,



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