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Nats pov

Its around midnight when wanda and i get back and she goes up to i assume to her room while i make my way to bruce who i know will be awake.

'banner' i call out entering the lab he looks up from his work putting it down. 'what type of burns would you get if you grabbed a hot pan?' i ask him sitting on a stool near his work bench. He pushes his glasses up while he thinks of an answer.

'well it depends how hot i could be and when and how you grabbed it but most likely it would be minor ish burns on the insides of the palms of your hands.' He finishes. I think back to what y/ns hands looked like they were burned all over and slightly up her arms. From what i could see under her hoodie. 'why do you ask?' he ponders. I look up to meet his worried expression

'oh no reason' i answer leaving.

Once im at my room, i sit at my desk wondering if i should text y/n or just wait to tmmr. Inevitably i pull out my phone opening y/ns messages.


Hey y/n, i was just wondering what happened to your hands for them to look so burnt?


I was cooking pasta and grabbed the pan not realising it was hot


But why were there burns on the backs of ur hands?


Because i dropped the pan spilling boiling water over my hands.

y/n pov

i was laying in the room unable to sleep. The lifeless hazel eyes kept replaying in my mind. The fear that when i close my eyes i will be murdered kept me awake. A month ago that wouldn't have bothered me but now. Now i had people to live for friends and family to live for. So when i herd the familiar sound of my ringtone it didn't sound so familiar i jumped out of my skin, quickly i grabbed my phone as if to not make to much noise and opened it to see nat asking me about my hands. Shit.

Bla bla previous texting

I was surprised nat bought that i smirk to myself but that smirk is quickly wiped off my face when i hear the front door open. I get up making it to my door before deciding against it cowering back into the corner. I hear heavy swaying footsteps and know they are home my door is harshly thrown open revealing the murder couple.

'here. For your splendid services' the woman applauds chucking me a wad of 1 dollar bills. I count them $50. Shock overcomes me and i look up speechless the man stalks over to me ruffling my hair with a murderous glint in his eyes. This sends a shiver down my spine. The couple walks out slamming the door. I am thankful for the money but disturbed by the people. i climb out the window jumping from roof to roof and finally settling down far enough away from the apartment. I was going to try to sleep but was to disturbed so i opted to go to a convince store to top up on some supplies.

I walk in the bell alerting the employee of my presence. Nodding at her i walk around the small store to get a couple things. I stop Infront of this big machine i tilt my head, the employee notices and walks over her wolf cut framing her face. She walks up to me.

'never had a slurpee?' she questions tilting her to the side slightly. I just shake my head. She laughs and grabs a cup filling it up and handing it over to me, 'on the house' i thank her and follow her back to the counter, i pay the 19.50 and head out, taking a couple sips of the drink before getting a brain freeze.

As im walking down the street i hear whistling from behind me i ignore it but when i hear it again i turn around met with a group of probably 20 y/o men 4 of them, they keep shouting names and they reak of alcohol, i would have bursted their blood vessels right then and there if it wasn't for my hands being burnt to a crisp. I turn back around speed walking but this doesn't stop them they run up behind me pushing me against a wall.

'why don't you come back to mine aye' the leader spits, i scoff and dump the remainder of my drink over his head.

'yeah nah' i agree however they didn't like this they shoved me back against the wall hard. The mans jockeys held my arms back as the leader lets call him brad, pounded his fists into my stomach and head, he pulls out a pocketknife slicing it against my already bruised skin. Let me tell you this man had strength but not much, i laugh though the pain im used to this type of torture. The man brings his knee up to my chest slamming all the wind out of me, i loose consciousness quickly. Before i black out however i hear the man whisper oh shit and fast footsteps ae herd running away.

A couple of minuets later i wake up on the floor, i groan getting up stumbling a bit. It reminds me of one of the first days i was in new York, the day i met nat. a small smirk plasters itself on my face. Deciding im to sore to walk i grab my mask out of my bag and put it on flying over to the rooftop i was on previously. Passing out under the stars.

Peters pov

I was swinging around queens when i noticed a body on top of a roof. I was very confused until it dawned on me they may be dead i carefully approach them, but when i see their familiar features i rush over. I roll y/n onto her back and check her pulse and she is still breathing. I sigh greatfully as everything is positive, than it occurs to me that she is on a roof top, i am so confused right now however i see blood coating my hands and i look down at y/n her shirt is splattered with blood. I carefully lift her shirt and see a bunch of bruises as well a cuts. I picked her and her bag up. Heading towards the hospital, fortunately i remember what y/n once said. 'lets just say I'm never going to a hospital again if it kills me' trying to keep her comfortable, i think of my next best options. Mj and ned would be passed out in bed and i cant bother may, so i think of the next best thing. Avengers Tower. I carefully swing over, luckily i know 2 people here are nocturnal so some one should answer.

I walk up to the private entrance and look at the camera. 'please state your purpose to be at the tower'. I hear Friday announce.

'uh hey um y/n here needs urgent medical attention and i herd you guys know her'. When Friday replys next she sounds worried even.

'balck widow and tony stark will be down in 27-26 seconds' i nod placing her on the floor carefully with her bag before swinging off to the nearest building to watch if she gets taken in. 10 seconds later i see almost all the avengers come out of the door paused in shock as they see y/n


ok so

1 im watching eternals tmmr with my friends which im exited for but also a bit iffy weather it is good that harry styles is in it, yes i love him he is amazing but i hope marvel used him because he is a good actor and not just for publicity.


Im thinking of starting another book

Like marvel oneshots so ya

And as always see you in the next chapter.

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