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Tw death

Peter pov

I had one of the teams comms still in my ear and they ran the mission play by me while they were still on the jet. However half my brain was still preoccupied on getting to the apartment. As i get closer i see bundles of black smoke erupting from the roof. I made it to outside the apartment and looked around at the crowed trying to find that one person.

'MAY?!' i shouted over the commotion 'MaY?!' my voice broke as i realised she was still in the building. 'may' i whispered so only i could hear. I was about to go into the building when a girl older than me probably 19 came up to me.

's-spider man, uh my little brother is still in there, please, he's on the 4th floor, h-his name is AJ'. She breaths. I hesitantly nod and rush into the building starting from the top i call out for people

By the time i make it to the 4th floor i have swung around and saved around 10 people, it was pretty late when it started so a lot were sleeping. 'AJ, hello are you here AJ' i hear a small cough and head off in that direction. When i get to the sound i see another teen covering him with a jacket. 'h-hey' i awkwardly greet them. They look up scared until they see who i am. 'are you AJ?' i question. The older boy laughs,

'no this little guy is, im louis' i smile and grab onto the scared males and swing out the window down to the scared sister.

'jojo!' AJ squeals running up to the teen. She looks up smiling, then she notices the other teen.

'hey joleigh' he rasps walking up to him. She puts AJ down and runs up to the taller man. She leaps into his arm kissing him passionately in which louis returns.

A soft 'ewwww' is heard next to them they break apart looking down at the little guy, picking him up one arm each and kissing him on both cheeks.

'thank you spider man' joleigh smiles

'any day, but don't just thank me thank your boyfriend he was shielding the little guy' i smile back returning to burning building.

Now im on may and i's floor calling out to anyone when i don't hear anything and when no one has showed up in the rooms i searched i head into our apartment. 'may' i call out. The building could collapse any second and crush all of us. I walk around the apartment grabbing a photo album on my way to mays room. I open the door what i see horrifies me.

May trapped under her wardrobe coughing and struggling to get the piece of furniture off. I run over to her, however the fast movement causes the building to shake and pieces of the infostructure to fall in the room i narrowly missed some but unfortunately 1 hit may. I take the final steps to her and try to get the debris off of her but to no avail. I can tell this building wont last much longer. Pieces of the floor falling down it was hard to find a safe path. Im still trying to get the stuff off of her but more overlap.

'p-peter' the voice was small. 'i larb you'

'i-i larb out to but i cant no- no may im not leaving you here so-so' my attempts become futile i stand up as tears well in my eyes.

'please let me go' she whispers. I reach for her hand to pull her out from under there but the floor breaks down beneath her and i watch uselessly as everything falls.

(a/n ik it was simple for peter to have saved her buttttttt i have plans...)

2hr later

Steves pov

We are nearing the base and we ask peter if he is okay considering his comms went dead a hour ago. the team straps in their weapons of choice and we land near but far enough away from the base. Everyone checks the comms and we go over the plan once again.

y/n pov

i was in the middle of being stabbed and beat after i finally didn't pass out after 15 minutes of electrocution, when an alarm goes off. Im harshly grabbed of the floor and thrown back into my cell clothes in shreds and it was freezing. I hear commotion out side many people running past the window on the door of my room but i couldn't care. I just curled up into a tight ball, trying to supress the madness around me. I start to feel light headed as i assume im bleeding out. But heres the thing i couldn't care less. My nails dig into my arms my head tucked tightly against my knees. I couldn't move even if i wanted to.

Nats pov

Enter the redroom as quietly as possible. Tony and sam take any people that tried to leave using helicopters while wanda, Pietro and bucky handled the guys on the ground. Steve, clint and i run into the building taking down guards and checking every room.

'uh nat?' clint asks concerned

'yea-h' i ask in between swinging my legs around someone's neck and effectively swinging them to the ground.

'never mind im downloading it ill show you after the mission' he resorts. I take down more people as they are trying to leave. probably around 10 minutes later steve speaks into comms.

'guys i found her. But nat you have to come get her' and after that i get nervous. I rush to his location.

Shit is all i think as i get to her. Steve hadn't opened the door yet. y/n in blood stained clothes in a ball on the floor. She looks like she hasn't eaten in months her eyes dark her expression was exhausted i open the door and she looks up. However when our eyes lock fear paints her face and she trys to get back further into the corner.

'Эй нет ребенка его я паук вы можете вернуться домой его хорошо' (hey no kid its me, spider. you can come home. its okay) a take a step closer but she just backs impossibly deeper into the wall eyes filling with tears.

'romanoff we have to go' i hear in comms. I hear steve reply for the both of us and turn my full attention back to y/n. after talking for 5 minutes she still hasn't said a word and we have to get out of there. Steve goes to pick her up but she flinches away concerning us both. We have no time left so steve picks her up. Her face is scared and tears roll down he face muscles are tense.

We make it back to the quinjet making sure everyone is here before taking off.

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