Sign Thirteen

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" This is a direct sentence in the present time."

" This is a direct sentence in the past time."

' This is inside character's mind sentence in the present time.'

'This is inside character's mind sentence in the past time.'

[ This is direct sentence in sign language in the present time.]

[ This is direct sentence in sign language in the past time.]


Last Revision: 24/11/2022





Her whole world is beautiful.

If someone asks her how she describes her whole words, she will say that it is full of the freshly cooked bread aroma in the morning and a warm humming of a gentle voice. It will always be full of loving touches and a gentle smile that makes her feel that she is the most lovely and loved one in the world. 

[ Do you know, Arisha?]  and her beautiful sister, with her warm smile, will stroke her hair gently and look into her eyes. [ I always love you.] and gives her words with no sound that she could hear, but she will understand eventually, how her sister loves her deeply.

" I love you too, sister!" and the fact that her beautiful sister will brighten her smile every time she tells her this, her heart thumping, her cheeks blushing and she thinks that she couldn't be happier than this

' I am happy if I am with my sister.'  She is the beautiful world of her that Arisha does not want to lose, she is the place where she can feel safe and comfort. She will be the one that she chooses over anything, but, why.... why are people always thinking differently?

" She is so pitiful to live that life." 

" Can someone adopt the young one? It might be better if someone else takes care of her."

"  Her sister is deaf and muted, what could she do to take care of the young one?"

" How unfortunate, you are."

" So pitiful."

" If your sister is not like that-"

She could not understand the adults who told her about that. She could not understand the pitiful expression when they looked at her. She could not understand why they think her sister only will give her the unfortunate. Is it because she could not talk and could not hear? Is it because she is different from the other? Is that the reason that makes everyone think that if someone like her sister takes care of her, she will only give her miserable life?

" I just don't understand what are you doing?" said Miranda. The landlord of her new house in this Empire Malum. She looked like she stands in front of her door while talking with Rosan who just came to visit. 

" What do you mean?"

" Why do you do all of this? It is not like you," she said. " You give people like them this house, you treated them so well, and I did help you until now is because you are my friend. But, many people complain about how could I let someone like her, taking care of a child." 

In Sign Language, I Hear You ( Transmigrated as Deaf and Muted )Where stories live. Discover now