Sign Seventy Nine

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" This is a direct sentence in the present time."

" This is a direct sentence in the past time."

' This is inside character's mind sentence in the present time.'

'This is inside character's mind sentence in the past time.'

[ This is direct sentence in sign language in the present time.]

[ This is direct sentence in sign language in the past time.]





Her alarm goes off above her. Not something that she likes, but somehow her body already gets used to it. While brushes of her wild curly hair that almost covered her face, she scoots her body to the edge of the king-sized bed while then put her favorite slipper and try not to step on her academic books that all over the floor. 

She strides a little bit to the big door and opens it while a little bit struggling. The door is quite heavy after all- but as soon as she found the person she knew will be there, her smile brightened. 

" Brother Ash! Good Morning!" in front of her room, stands a man who already wears his practice suit. He is so handsome even in the morning, recently he cuts his hair short and it so suitable. His golden eyes who looks so mature right now. Even Arisha could not help but stunned by the fact that he is now looking so different after his 15th birthday. He becomes so tall, more muscular- and there is a hint of maturity that recently makes all the girls in the Empire sends him an invitation to go to their party.

Yet here, he is just ignoring all of them and enjoy his life with his little sister. Even after years, he still thinks that her smile with her messy face is so adorable that he tries to keep the time right to just see it.

And just like usual, Ash will come to her and brushes her messy hair. Then squeezes' her cheeks with his big hands. There's some calluses in his hands but Ash's hands always feel warm. " - You were staying late again right?" asked him somehow scolding her. Yet, even the servants near them ended up smiling to this daily routine after all. Even now the whole palace is idolizing this brother and sister couple because of how much they show their affection to each other in this was once-called tyrant palace. 

" I told her several times to go to bed already." said Hanna who arrives in the usual time. She looks pouting too while looking at Arisha, " - you know that you will have examination today."

" Dat iys wai, I stadi!" she said while still being squeezes by Ash. 

Yet Ash looks at Hanna casually, " When?"

" At 10 a.m today and also aroun 2 p.m for Dragon Ride test." she said. Then she smiles, a kind one that 2 years ago- she might never think that she will be able to do that in front of the blessing. " So, could you please let her go, Your Grace? I have to help her prepare her self." she said which immediately makes Ash leaves his hands. A kind of gesture that all servants find it cute especially when they remember too well how was he two years ago.

" Help her. I will send her off after she finished." he said while holding his sword. " I will go practice first-"

" I will let you know after she finished." said Sir Rain who understands his staring even though he stands quite far away. Yet, Ash looks at him immediately as he already been there since 5 in the morning after all.

Then after Ash goes off to his morning practice. Arisha will follow Hanna and several maid who is in charge for her to prepare her day. After she took  a bath by herself several maids will help her wear her uniform. They also like to do her hair even though she always said that a simple hair do will be okay- but, Arisha who is now growing in front of them is so cute anyway. 

In Sign Language, I Hear You ( Transmigrated as Deaf and Muted )Where stories live. Discover now