Sign Twenty Seven

339 11 3

[ I feel so tired... Your Grace]

the image of her miserable expression while she told him that words still vividly in his mind. He could not find any pleasure in that words. It felt so disgusting and annoyed him to the core, but- he could not even express it as if his throat closed tightly.

It was the first time he felt no air inside his lung.

despite the fury inside him, despite the fact that he wanted to yell at her badly about why she choose this path- he ended up looking at her while feeling so empty.

' Why do you always try to go away?'

and why... his heart feels a strange uncomfortable feeling he could not understand.

' Is it because I dig too much?'

but, how could he is not? as whenever he found her struggling and suffering as if she tried to let out something that stuck in her throat, while palely trembling- it shakes his heart. So, tell him how is he supposed to react?

he frowned painfully, in the darkness of his room. Her fragrance that still lingers tortures him to the level he never expects.

" That damned trauma."

As his whole life was always full of wicked things- he never thought in his life there will be a time when there is a big hatred inside his heart to a mere trauma. To make it even worst, he could not eliminate it with his own hands as it is something he could not touch.

' If I should fight it for you, I would.'

He already did something for her that he never expected he would do- to even care about someone existence as much,

' do you ever realize how I longed for you while you were not here?'

even he is now longing for her who is not in the place he could see entirely.

This is so frustrating.

he never feels this kind of frustration. It annoys him so much as he then spreads his pheromone uncontrollably and fills the whole room- something he denies to us much as it takes away his sanity. Yet, he does not care as he is not familiar with what he should do in this kind of feeling. Of how he vents his anger.

' because I could not force you, am I?'

as it feels as he is the one who is in pain more than her if he ever do that.

' ... and I am now talking about pain?'

Ironically, for someone like him? it is truly a laughing matter, is not it? surely it is.




it has been a month after Irisha and Arisha went back to their house. Irisha asked for an undetermined time off. It shocked people as it is something that suddenly happened and Irisha is no one but one of the important people in the palace so, her sudden leave creates a big fuss in the governor. Yet, the crown prince gave the permission himself so no one can complain about it.

The world then just runs as usual as nothing happened. It is always like that despite the fact that there are many people affected by this sudden change. Even Arisha who is just still a child feels the change of her that she is now could not do anything.

" I will take Arisha to school," Haya said while smiling at her who is now standing in front of her front door house. Fix her shawl and smile weakly. " My wife will also come too, later on. She cooks something for both of you."

and she is smiling. [ Thank you. Please, take care of Arisha.] and she is now is in a state where she could not even fake her expression anymore. Her face paled, and she could not even face Arisha who looks at her in worry.

In Sign Language, I Hear You ( Transmigrated as Deaf and Muted )Where stories live. Discover now