Sign Twenty

578 23 4

She has a nightmare again, the same nightmare that recently haunted her in her sleep. Sometimes it was just blurry memories she tried to forget but other times it vividly depicted and woke her up with unpleasant feelings. Like something stuffed in her lung and holding her breath. She will end up curling up her body while holding her chest tightly because it was hurt so much. 

Just like now, 

In the middle of a big dark room that she could not see clearly because the pain she feels in her chest is too painful for her to stay in her right mind. She needs to calm herself down just like usual, trying to take a deep breathe even though it will take a while to do that. 

" Breath slo-"


and she brushed off the hand that touches her suddenly before she realize the golden eyes that looks at her who then, uses his sign language to say,

" Calm down, take a deep breath." 

who makes her frown painfully before she remembers what was happened before. To then see this man treats her so casually as what he is seeing right now is something normal. It is hard to accept it. The unpleasant feeling that now she feels after knowing about someone who knows about her condition. 

She does not even care to talk or act accordingly in front of the one and only crown prince of this empire. Her rationality or logic could not even work with this kind of feeling inside her. She just opens the blanket that covered her and steps outside. Yet, her weak knees are about to fall her down before the man holds her in his embrace. His grip feels so strong while he holds her arms as if he knows that she is now trying so hard to make him let her go.

[ Let go.] and she looked at him with an unknown fury she could not understand.

but the man just hold her arms without moving an inch. With a serious expression that he never once shown to her, because, as much as she remembers, he always gives her a smile and silly expression whenever they are together. 

Now, he looks mad in his gravelly silence. Yet it somehow feels different. " Don't do something that will hurt you." and her hurt thumping every time she faces his face like this.

[ It is not your business, Your Grace.] but, the fact that he always trying to meddle into her world, making her feel so hopeless, and at the same time frightening. 

So, she slowly looks away, as she starts to realize he will not let her go while his power is this much stronger than her to get away on her own. 

" Your Grace, Ms. Arisha wants to meet you." and someone knocks on his door while Irisha decides not to look at him anymore. He grits his teeth while looking at the miserable woman in his hand. Who he holds tight, but feels so far from him. 

and he sighs after a long silence, " Let her in." he then lets one of his hand go but one other still hold Irisha so she still stands steady. 

Then, when Arisha comes in while the maid turns on the lamp, the gloomy and despairing face of hers is suddenly gone like it was not there in the first place. 

[ Arisha?] the sparkles that will just come to her eyes whenever she is with her little sister.

" Are you okay, sister?" asked her after hugging her for quite a while. " The ladies said that you are not feeling well, so you take a rest here."

[ I am okay.] she said while smiling,

" Are you sure?" and she looks at her in concern.

[ Yes.] while slowly, her hands brush his hand casually and quietly. [ Let's go home.] 

In Sign Language, I Hear You ( Transmigrated as Deaf and Muted )Where stories live. Discover now