Sign Fifty-Four

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Author's note.

Hello! how are you? I hope you are doing great. I am so sorry for the lacking update these few days, I've been busy preparing for my working visa because I will go to Turkey in September! Is there any of my reader here who comes from Turkey? Hahahaha, would you like to befriend me? it will be great if there're friends when I come ^^"

Anywho, how is the story? Do you like it? Is there any ship that you sails? What chapter do you like the most? I personally have a great engagement with chapter 13 where I used Arisha's POV, and I was crying deeply while writing that chapter. Yet, I also like every moment when each character remembers their own past- I think there is always a strange vibe whenever we touch our past, whether it is a happy moment or not, and that feeling is quite engraved in my mind. A strange feeling, even I could not understand- like relief, sad and filled with faint hope. do you understand what I mean? ^^" even I am confused as well.


I am Indonesian and English is my second language I am aware there is a lot of grammar and elaboration that may confuse you. So, please do tell me your opinion on this story if you don't mind! You can also ask me anything if you don't understand something, It will be my pleasure and motivation to write a better story!^^

Well, then, Happy Reading!





".... You can't trust anyone, madam." said the one person in her previous life who she could not remember. Even in this dream, the face is blurred and no sound can be heard. Yet, she can understand this old man's saying quite immediately. " In this kind of world, they are all enemies."

and she, as Lara Dena in this dream, stood in the hallway of her company, while the big elegant windows behind her back showed her a very vivid glorious sky. Strangely it suits her beautiful appearance and her undeniable elegance. Straightly looking at this man's eyes unshakably.

" You are standing in the most powerful position," he said. " You should know better than anyone how this world could be so wicked."

and he got the point. Even before he said that- as Lara Dena, she was already aware of that thing.

In fact,

She was looking at this man which no trust residing inside her for him.

" Choose the one who can loyal to you, but never trust them."

" Will you?" and she asked with her black eyes calmingly looking. Even she realized that time, she made this old man in front of her, losing his control over his own body. He knew, she observed him.

" I-I will."

but she smirks, as she then turned her body away leaving him alone without a single reassurance for the thing that she did to him. Then, not long after that, she immediately found that the old man who gave her his concern- became the one who did the exact someone he said that she should be careful with.

the time she knew this- she laughed.

It was simply because she never expected anything, to begin with. Quite opposite, she guessed that he would be 'someone' she should not put her trust in and he did.

And this kind of thing happened quite a lot of times for her to then knew the pattern.

" They will betray me in the end."

and they did.

So, never in her whole life, did she put trust in anybody.

" ... people wicked after all." and this man, who she puts her trust is now looking at her deeply. Drowning her in his gaze, but gives her a glimpse of an idea that he also is the one who is drowning too in her gaze. " ... and I could say that as I always been in that high ground."

In Sign Language, I Hear You ( Transmigrated as Deaf and Muted )Where stories live. Discover now