Sign Fifty-Seven

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' What?!' even she could not control herself to questioning the thing in front of her right now is out of any of her senses. ' it does not make sense!!!' and she screams out loud inside her heart while she looks up to gigantic human being?

even she could not describe it pretty well. The fact that she knows that it is almost as big as three floors building or maybe even more. It is really hard to describe and observe as the wind is too strong for her to see. It shakes everything surrounding her as if there will come a tornado and the wind is now circulating around them. 

the creature is so big like a titan. He looks like a soldier of Varaz KIngdom with their traditional tunic and covered by elegant, yet- strong armor. By his looks, Irisha could easily say that if she puts an analogy as him being a soldier- this creature will be the most powerful one. The one who will wipe all the enemy with a swing of his gigantic thin sword. While observing that, Irisha realizes that even his hands are not usual! there are four of them while he also has a strange horn that looks so abnormal and forms a crown-like thing on his head.

' ... what is going on here?!' and Irisha does not even remember how many times she asked that. Yet, no one even could explain anything to her. She looks up to Castra who holds her and seems unbothered with anything that happened in front of them. He looks calm despite how she is now panicking. She looks around to make sure is she the only one who is crazy to panicking in this situation but, they also look like this is something they have never once seen in their daily life! 

Moreover, the intense pheromone clashing between both of the princes is violently terrifying as many people are struggling to keep their knees up.

"... what is your intention?" asked Castra while giving a deadly sound from his mouth. Surely, he is mad. Everyone knows he is now drowning in fury. 

while the other prince smirks as if he enjoys anything that happened right now. " ... Well, the lady there, has some promise that should be kept," he said while looking at Irisha for a while and smiling gently, quite like he is flirting with her. " ... Yet, suddenly Your Grace, you take her from me."

" ... " 

" She promises me, that if I help her to fight the ones who chase her, she will spend time with me," he said. "... well, you suddenly come without me even trying to do anything- but, the fact that I come for her first is still counted as helping her is not it?"  and he keeps talking despite the pheromone that becomes thicker and violent. 

The one that makes her realize 

"... Why should you act this way? She is just an ordinary girl that is somehow being chased by a quite eccentric lunatic cult?"

At that time while Irisha looks at Castra, she found him smiling wickedly. 

The one that long ago he showed for her. The one who makes her realize something that he has once forgotten. The reason why people have to lower their self as they are terrified of undeniable power. It brings her back to her previous self of her where her instinct runs ahead before anything. 


He is the representative of danger that she could not even hold herself for not being terrified. 

" Do you want war?"

and the fact that she is astonished by this terrifying situation, makes her hard to even turn away from looking at Castra's face. Then the fact that the word he just spoke was quite powerful enough for her to understand without any sign language, slapped her from her thoughts as she then pushes him away and makes Castra look at her. Quite in a composed manner but Irisha knows that he is confused about what she did. Yet, as their eyes look into each other, he somehow becomes soft as if he understands why she does that. 

In Sign Language, I Hear You ( Transmigrated as Deaf and Muted )Where stories live. Discover now