Sign Twenty Three

441 23 1

She really tries to take a deep breathe as much as she can while looking at the beautiful night sky above her head. While brushing Arisha's hair who is now sleeping on her thigh, in the ground- in the middle of an unknown forest. 

It is so dark right now if the fire in front of her is not lit. Yet, she could not even take a short sleep as she worries about something that might come after them.

' ... how could people do not notice such fire in this middle of the night?'  and if the question then changes, as, ' who the hell is hanging around in such hour in the middle of a forest like this?' and, she could say that- if that beautiful empire's princess who is now sitting while leaning on the tree in front of her is not with them, it might be true. She could just be aware of wild animals instead of humans. Yet, just hours ago after they were drowning in the deep and strong stream river and survived to the riverside- a sudden attack came in a second their feet stepped to the ground.

' It was so terrifying.'

It was and it still is if she thinks about that moment right now. Yet, it was not only because of the fact that Jahar's fully-armored knights suddenly surrounded them with their galant horses. Or the fact that more than ten men surrounded them who were only two women and a child- with their swords pointed toward them.

It was not only the real reason for how she now had to keep stabilizing her breathing. 

It was this fascinating princess in front of her. 

The empire princess, who is now looking into the fire as it is something interesting. The familiar golden eyes that are shining by the reflection of fire are beautiful. Yet, at that time, even the suns still rose above them and the light still took the place- those beautiful eyes strangely glowing while this beautiful princess was acting as she was a kind of animal. Irisha could not hear it, but the princess looked like she seemed growling while showing her teeth.

She then spread the strong pheromone that felt so painful that Irisha and Arisha collapsed in a second. It felt like the air in her lungs had suddenly disappeared. It was so painful as she tried to inhale the air desperately but she could not. She had to maintain her breath so hard to keep her consciousness while witnessing the knights were twice or even thrice bigger than this beautiful woman, had a hard time standing. 

At that time, she knew she had to run away. 

The dreadful tension forced her to run away.

She knew that she had to take Arisha and run as fast as she could.

She was thinking it was better to avoid the battle between the well-known mad princess, instead of getting involved in the situation where Arisha curled up painfully in the ground because of it. Despite the fact that Irisha's action was also ended up leaving a young princess alone surrounded by many knights who wanted her- but, for Irisha in the end, Arisha is always her priority.



... or it was what she thought.

In the end, Irisha could not remember the reason why she choose to run toward the princess with her remaining energy and hug the princess from behind her back to stop her. 

Stop her, from what?

Irisha personally, does not even know. It was purely her feeling that thought, this princess possessed with something as she then turned into something else. 

'... and, she then changed.' fortunately, after the princess bit her in Irisha's arm.

It was so painful but did not take a long time as the woman then brushed her off and looked at her in confusion. As if, she just came back to her original self. She looked at the bite injury while terrified, paled, and shocked. Before realizing in a second about the situation they were in, and, that might be the reason why then she held Irisha who was so drained and having a heavy breathe before she forced her to run while carrying Arisha.

In Sign Language, I Hear You ( Transmigrated as Deaf and Muted )Where stories live. Discover now