Sign Fourteen

722 36 4


" This is a direct sentence in the present time."

" This is a direct sentence in the past time."

' This is inside character's mind sentence in the present time.'

'This is inside character's mind sentence in the past time.'

[ This is direct sentence in sign language in the present time.]

[ This is direct sentence in sign language in the past time.]


Last Revision: 25/11/2022





After that dreadful yet confusing moment where she had to face all the thrilling situations in the place that she shouldn't be- only one day after that day, Imperial people came to Daniel's Trading Company and asked her to come to the Imperial Palace once more. It was quite confusing, but she did it in the end because what other thing she could do in that situation? 

There were two ministers who waited for her and they both are, the minister of finance and the minister of International Trading. They both looked like they were already past their half decades but, still so sturdy and gallant except for their age.

" My name is Higrid Pecunia and this man is Sir Asthon Namas," said the finance minister, while as usual, Haya will get involved in the situation related to her as her interpreter. " So, shall we discuss the proposal you once proposed, Ms. Irisha?" and somehow, at that time she did want to complain to them of how their work ethic was nowhere to be found. To come to her workplace without prior notice and suddenly revealed their intention to cooperate. It was not a really nice act, and the fact that they did not even apologize was also worsening the situation. Yet, again... it was a hierarchical world to start with, and who was she to complain about this system.

Well in the end thing is getting better day by day. It was starting from that sudden meeting with the minister who then lead her to be the right hand of the finance minister of the empire that specialized on the independent companies' matter. They then created a new division for her to lead under the minister of financial supervision, and she then created her own team who work under her. Every day was a hectic situation especially when her job was to stabilize the state's financial income but, well, she is survive even until now. She is survive even after five months already passed.

[ Use your jacket and put on your favorite blanket, can you walk by yourself?] asked Irisha to Arisha who is wearing thick clothes than usual.  Even though today is a weekday, Arisha does not seem excited to go to her school like usual. She looks so sullen and her cheeks are reddened. 

" I don't want to walk." and while Irisha puts her hand on her forehead who still has a little bit of fever, Irisha smiles gently. 

[Okay, then. I will hold you up.] and Irisha holds Arisha easily who then becomes so comfortable in her embrace and holds Irisha tightly. Irisha pats her back gently while preparing to go to work casually despite how hard it is to do something while holding a children like this.

But, Arisha never once acted like this.

She was so healthy and never sick. The last time she was sick maybe when she was still a baby, back when she was just transmigrated and struggling with this world. Arisha never acted spoiled and never complained so much. As far as she remembers, Arisha never asked anything from her and just always be in her best acts. Even until now, she always a very understanding sister.

In Sign Language, I Hear You ( Transmigrated as Deaf and Muted )Where stories live. Discover now