Sign Forty-Three

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.... Thing that he remembers whenever he thought about his childhood is the wide sky that feels so endless. Too wide, too full with colors, and too unreachable. It gives an unspoken statement that it is unconquerable. Which once kept him questioning, what lies after the horizon? while he stood in the highest place of the rocky mountain that people adore. While this thought that existed since the time he was born was slowly buried away.

And he does not know the reason why. Either it was because of the times, or the dragon's blood start to take control.

' What lies beyond that line?'

The thoughts came from the day he was born. In the very high palace which showed him the whole empire, he will lead someday.

"... You will be the Emperor of this land, people will bow at you as you are the great Emperor." And that woman, whose body looked like a dead skeleton, whose beauty-she, herself always adored faded- and even it was so easy to say how suffering she was- the woman who he called as a mother stood in the palace who harmed her until the day of her death.

' They say it was due to the children's birth.'

' Dragon's attributes never once suitable on the human body, let alone someone like her.'

' You should just stop.'

' You can go.'

' ... Beyond the horizon, maybe there is something you can do.'

But the thoughts are always being kept in his mind. While looking at her hazel eyes she looked at him with a thick obsession. The smiles he hated, the touches he always disgusted.

" ... You will be the emperor, my son." And the nonsense she kept saying.

" I am a mother of the Emperor of this land."

" You will be the one who achieved my dream."

And how funny it was, when many stories taught the affection of mother and son bonding similar as the dragon's skin which is thicker and stronger- yet, how could the thing he feels every time the mother of him talking in her skeleton body- felt so much disgusting.

'.... She obsessed with me.'

' she is not seeing me as his son- as I am her trophy.'

And how is he supposed to feel the affection toward that?

but, strangely enough, he keeps saying,


' She still my mother.'


The once fine lady whose beauty attracted many. The one noble whose background made people envy. She was living a life that not anyone could achieve. To be the only daughter of the prime minister- his mother was once standing in the society.

' But look at you now?' she was like a living dead, covered with elegant and beautiful dresses. While her body could not bear the dragon's attribute, and it slowly drained her away.

"... You should just go." And the young Castra whose mind already figured out how wicked this world is at such young age looked at her who lay down in her dead bed- unable to live a life like a normal human should do. " ... I will send someone with you to far-away places. Lives there, and try to survive, Mother." And despite how foolish her obsession was, he thought for the very least she could think rationally. She could at least think about what he, her son said. In the end, there was a thin line he had with her that bonded them and made him somehow could not leave her away.

In Sign Language, I Hear You ( Transmigrated as Deaf and Muted )Where stories live. Discover now