Sign Fifty-Six

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It is quite easy to understand that Sir Rupert pressured her to be someone who takes full responsibility for the whole event even though it looked like he was not. She knows, that he tries to put her in the weakest position just by doing so. Why? She experienced it based on her entire experience in this kind of field- the one with the heavy responsibility but without a high position will be easy prey for someone to destroy. 

So why did she put herself into the lion's den? When she knows exactly that he has more power than her, and do has the capability to destroy her. 

Yet, even though she contemplated so much about the best choice for her chosen path- in the end, she realized that sooner or later she has to face all of this. So why doesn't she just face all of it now?

' ... the thing that I still do not yet understand is why does he choose to do this now?' that question keeps lingering in her mind as she could not find any possible reason for his action. '... If he despises me, he should just get rid of me before I create root within the palace.' even due to his authority is much more powerful than Sir Higrid who is her supervisor - which makes him does not have any obligation to involve in the trivial matter- but, again, he should know about her back when she still an ordinary ' Irisha.' Yet, now, she already has an influence on the palace that she may or may not win the challenge he gives to her. Even though there is only a little bit of chance, she has power, and she knows it pretty well.

' ... moreover, I have a powerful lover.' and the fact that the lover of her, eagerly does anything for her in a quite extreme manner- quite makes her headache. Despite, the reason behind it- despite how aware she is about why Castra does that, despite all of that- '... I have to stand by my own feet first.'  and Castra knows about it and does not really involve so much about how she does the thing and she really appreciates him. 

' to think that even a tyranny will be so much considerate, - I could not even compare him now with him back then.' and it surely funny while she is now remembering it, '... and the fact that I aware about his feeling make me don't want to ruin anything about this.' it is surely still strange for her who never ever feels this kind of feeling in her entire life- the fact that it gives strange energy that keeps her moving and she is kind of out of reality as she is then being poked by Lady Cordelia who is now sitting in front of her while they are having a break tea time. 

" Are you okay? You are lost in thought. Are you tired?" asked Lady Cordelia who seems to look at her in worry. " You have so many meetings today. Even I have to force you to take a break," she said sincerely as she then looks around to the most elegant garden near the main palace where Irisha spends a lot of time in lately. It is surely a beautiful garden where many sparkling ornaments decorate all over the garden. There are a lot of golden-like colors flowers, and the accent is thick with black and golden accents. She quite understands why it seems the palace puts much effort into this garden. It is simply because this is where people outside who have an opportunity to come could see things within the palace, and it is really important for a monarch such Malum Empire, to show their power by using symbolization such as this one. 

So, to be able to hang around this palace like this- could be defined as someone's importance to the palace and of course, the reason she is now here is due to her responsibility for the upcoming events.  "... and you still not hire any personal guards?"

and she sighed as her response, [... not you too, Lady Cordelia,]

Then she frowned, " What do you mean?" 

[ Not you, not Sir Higrid, and even His Highness always talks about that.]

" Well, it is more confusing for me to hear that from someone like you." she said, " You do know, the reason why right?"

In Sign Language, I Hear You ( Transmigrated as Deaf and Muted )Where stories live. Discover now