Sign Twenty Four

436 23 0

' I could not hear anything!' and she screams from the bottom of her heart, for at least to let go of the fear that is now haunting her in every second passed. While trying not to loosen her grip on the princess.

She screams out, tapping the back of the princess as hard as she could so that she is not being drowned in such madness anymore.

" AAAA!!" and she desperately screams while hoping at least a clear word comes out so that the princess will come back to her sense. " AA!" but she is startled, as someone touches her shoulder from behind and makes her jolt frantically while pushing the princess and Arisha behind her back.

" Ssh, it's okay." and the golden eyes that she misses, looking at her while his big gentle hand brushes her cheek slowly. Tries not to shock her exhausted and alert body.

Irisha who still does not believe the person in front of her holds his hand to feel the realness of his existence. While looking at him with her miserable and paled face, she frowned painfully.

[ ... you are late.] as she slowly reaches him with her hands unconsciously.

" I am sorry." as he then embraces her gently while, at that moment when her skin falls into his body and she breathes his familiar scent. She feels sudden exhaustion as if the burden she keeps on her shoulder, breaks down in that second.

She closes her eyes, while slowly inhaling the air she could not take hours ago. Then, everything turns black while she feels the comfortable deep sleep, she was once seeking desperately.




' Who would have thought that he had such an expression?' even after spending years of her life, living around the man that she calls him older brother- she never once witnesses the time he embraces something so gentle as if he afraid if she breaks in his embrace.

The woman who loses her consciousness falls in his embrace and he holds her tightly. Inhaling deeply as he desperately longing for the woman for a long time. The crowned prince of the Empire Malum who is known for his wicked and merciless acts, kneeling while looking deeply into the woman who closes her eyes.

"... can you stand?" and he then stands up while looking at her and holding Irisha in his hand.

She nods.

" Are you hurt anywhere?" asked him while he looks at Arisha who is crying beside her.

and Arisha shakes her head fast, " No... but, sister-"

" She will be okay. I will make sure she is okay," he said. " ... can you walk alone?"

She nods, as she wipes her tears with her tiny hands. " I can." while then looking at her who is standing beside her, and holds her hand. It is quite surprising, but she does not understand why she lets her be. Either she is too exhausted to think, or the eyes of this girl who tries to hold her tears are too pitiful for her to ignore. Either way, she just holds her back while walking out of the dark cave.

and her golden eyes, widen for a second before it back to normal. '... You are agitated.' as she looks at the thick forest who is now turning into vast burnt land. There is no sign of the knights of Jahar except the burning smoke on the burning ground. '... He is.' as she also looks at the dragons that fly over the sky above them, which some perch in the nearest big trees.

" Come Arisha," he said while kneeling in front of the child and spreading both of his hands after he lies Irisha in the imperial big carriage. Where the Imperial Pharmacies already do some healing on her body. " You have to be treated too."

In Sign Language, I Hear You ( Transmigrated as Deaf and Muted )Where stories live. Discover now