Unexpected Guests

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Chapter 16
Azariah's pov

Have you ever planned out an entire argument in your head? Like, your going to ask for something, so you have a whole mental list of validating points to bring up because your sure your gonna be met with resistance.

I had spent the better part of Tuesday night and Wednesday doing just that. I was going to ask Micah to let me teach Thursday instead of going to school, and I had mentally prepared my argument to try to convince him to agree.

What I never saw coming? Was him agreeing that it was a good idea. He even went as far as to contact our teachers to put in a request that my work at the Ambersy facility count towards my credits for school so that I get my medical diploma on schedule.

I guess i'll have to save some of those well thought up arguments for a later date.

So lucky me, i'm down to one day a week at school. Fridays. Which is today.

I must be getting used to being up early cause I'm not even miserable about it today. I even make it up early enough to have coffee with my dad.

He asks me tons of questions about my teaching position. More like teachers assistant, but either way I can tell he's proud.

I tell him about my first three days, leaving out the whole Jack incident. My dad's one of those overprotective types and the last thing I need is him coming to my defence over some immature jerk.

Surprisingly Wed and Thurs went by well. Katherine kept Jack and the other guy, whose name is not Jill, but Doug, along with one other student who was struggling as well. I took on the remaining eleven students and walked them through basic stitches.

By lunch time on Thurs Katherine basically told the three she had that this class was not gonna be for them. So now were down to just the remaining eleven.

Once my dad leaves I go finish getting ready and head outside to wait for Micah. The weather is finally getting warm enough that sweaters are almost no longer needed. I can see the tulip bulbs have started to sprout in my moms flower bed. There must be close to a hundred of them, all varying in color. I'll admit they look beautiful when in full bloom, but it seems like a lot of work for two maybe three weeks of reward.

Micah pulls up,but not in his truck, he's in his fathers. I jump in and ask why the change in trucks today.

"Your not going to like this." He says while backing out of my driveway. "So my dad informed me this morning that Priya's car broke down on the way home yesterday and her parents asked if I could drive her today."

The coffee that was in my mouth comes flying out my nose. Micah reaches over and opens the glove box and grabs me some napkins. As I'm wiping up my mess I tell him "I can ride with Amber today. Drop me off at her house."

"Way ahead of you. Were picking her up as well." Son of a bitch. He's thought of everything hasn't he.

"I have my own car, take me home. " I'm only half serious.

"You wound me Azariah. I would never abandon you when you need me. And trust me, I really need you today. "

As we pull up in front of Ambers house, I notice that Jace's truck is parked on the street. Hard to miss his 1970's classic Chevy truck. Jace's father came across it when Jace was ten and said that if he helped restore it, then he could have it when he was old enough to drive. It took them eight years, but lets just say the effort paid off. The thing is gorgeous.

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