Try Not To Laugh

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Chapter 37
Azariah's pov

Teaching was never a job I saw myself doing.

And I'm reluctant to admit that I'm enjoying it. More than I thought I would, too. This week, Katherine has started her holidays, which means I'm on my own.

The students that are left are picking it up fast, and other than that first day, none have given me any problems. Well, not yet, at least. I suppose anything can still happen since this is only day one.

After I finish cleaning up for the day, I head down to the lab for my obligatory learning hour. That is unless Amber finds another way to get me evicted again. For someone who comes off as so sweet and innocent, she sure can be a bitch. And I mean that in the nicest way possible. Takes one to know one afterall.

When I enter the lab, there's nobody around. Not even Amber. Okay then....this is new. Instead of kicking me out, she ditches me. I walk all the way in, towards the back and notice that her coat and purse are here. Guess she must be somewhere nearby. The good news is, the longer she takes, the less time I have to endure this for.

I hear the click of a door knob turning, and swing around just in time to see a male come walking in from the area Amber said was the private lab. The lab that she wanted me to help her break into.

He's a good looking male, probably six foot tall, which is short for werewolf males, but still taller than me. He has short cropped red hair, and is sporting a goatee. It's a nice look on him, gives him an air of sophistication. Thats if you only look from the neck up though. The rest of him screams nerd. Not that I'm trying to stereotype him, but the brown corduroy pants and white button up shirt says as much. All he's missing is a pocket protector and thick rimmed glasses.

There is something about a smart male that is sexy though. He looks over at me, and his eyes widen. In surprise? Not sure. But he quickly offers me a smile and closes the four-foot distance between us.

"Hello. You must be new here. Did they leave you by yourself already?" He asks.

"Well, it certainly appears like I got ditched." I laugh then hold out my hand. "I'm Azariah."

He takes my hand to shake it and goes to open his mouth to respond, but pauses. " in the one who tried to blow up the lab last week?"

"I did not." I say while narrowing my eyes. He manages to mask his laugh, but his eyes tell a different story.

"I'm Malcomb. It's nice to meet you." He purrs. Oh wow, was he trying to flirt with me?

"Nice to meet you too." I cautiously say.

"Don't feel bad, i've blown up my fair share of shit too." He takes a couple of steps back, and not so subtly checks me out. As in, his eyes drag down my body and slowly make their way back up to my face.

Good grief, could this get any more awkward? "I'm heading to get a coffee. Would you like one?" He offers.

"That would be nice, thank you. Just cream."

He heads out, leaving me alone once again. I'm wondering how long Amber's going to be when I notice something very interesting. The door that he came out of didn't close all the way. I get up and walk over to it, using my finger to push on it lightly. It opens up to the point that I can see inside.

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