Stay In The Light

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Chapter 53
Ambers pov

All I can do is watch.

Watch the monitor to see if she flatlines. Her heart rate can't go any higher without that happening. Her body can't take anymore. I make a silent promise to her as I stand here. I promise to do everything in my power to come up with the antidote to the Blue Meanies.

Even though I can't do it in time to save her, I promise I'll do it to save as many others as I'm able. But I know that even if I save a thousand others from this fate, I'll always carry the guilt of today. She's lying there because of me. Because I had to go racing out to collect evidence by myself. Because I don't have the skill to defend myself from a physical attack.

Unlike her. She has that skill in spades. I watched from the lowest branch in the tree as she fought Jack. I told Priya to run to my car and get the rope from the back seat. I knew we needed to take that asshole with us. And I knew Azariah would win. As I watched her fight him, I promised that I would learn how to do that as well. So that I never put someone else in danger again due to my lack of ability to defend myself.

Besides the needle in her leg, he literally only got one hit in on her. The punch in her side, that didn't seem to hurt her that much. Even when he had her on the ground, pulling her hair, she still had control of the fight. I've never been so scared and so in awe at the same time in my life. It's obvious someone trained her to be a wrecking force. And I'm betting that someone was Jace.

Speaking of Jace, he's at his end. I can see it in his eyes. He's had all he can take. I want nothing more than to be able to take that look from him. I would absorb every once of sorrow, pain, hurt, and guilt that's assaulting him right now. I would take all of it just to spare him this.

"It's coming down," I hear Micah say. I was lost in my own head and thoughts that I zoned out and didn't notice. I look at the machine, 230, then it goes to 220. She stops shaking, and her heart rate continues to fall. I let out the breath I was holding. Hell, I think everybody can start breathing again.

155. That's the lowest it's been since she got here. I thank the Moon Goddess for answering my prayers. Cause trust me, I've done a shit ton of praying since we got here. Actually, since I was stuck up in that tree, if I'm being honest.

Azariah's mom is the first to start crying tears of relief. It's not long before most of us join her. Garette and Ryan are the only two who keep themselves composed.

101. I fall to my knees when it hits that low. My legs simply didn't want to hold me up any longer. Micah leans down behind me and holds me. I'm completely overwhelmed. For the last few hours, I was convinced she was going to die, and maybe she still is, but it doesn't feel like it. Something tells me she's gonna wake up. My best friend is going to wake up and roll her eyes at me, I just know it.

I look up in time to see Jace remove his shirt and hand it to Amora. Micah helps me stand up at my request, and when I'm sure my legs will hold me, I help her put it on Azariah since Micah cut hers off and all. I really want to look away from Jace, but holy shit the boy is ripped. And covered in tattoos as well.

Apparently, I'm not the only one who notices.

"Can somebody please get him a shirt," Noah calls out.

"I'm on it," Matias says, laughing. "I'm gonna run home fast and get Azariah some fresh clothes for when she gets up."

I'm glad he's confident that she's gonna wake up. Micah voices that question to me. "Do you think she will?"

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