All For You

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Chapter 30
Ryan's pov

You know that saying, go big or go home.

These assholes have seriously underestimated my desire to go home.

Looking down at Noah, I've resigned myself to what I need to do. He's sleeping, but not peacefully. I can see his eyes twitching behind his lids, and his body keeps involuntarily jerking every now and then.

I run my fingers through his hair, trying to offer some comfort. His hair is greasy, and dirt covers most of his face. All except the tracks running down his face from the hundreds of tears he's shed.

For the first few days, I shared in his terror. I was paralyzed by it. Eventually, my brain came back online, and now I've come up with a plan to get him out of here. If it was just myself locked up, I may not have ever found the courage to pick myself up. But looking at the one person who means the world to me has given me the strength I need to do something.

If you're wondering how long someone can survive on water and stale sandwiches, so far it's six days. There barely feeding us, and I know it's to keep our energy levels low so we don't have the strength to run away. Guess these idiots never heard of adrenaline. Cause I could probably run forever on that alone.

I'm aware that the plan I've concocted may fail. And if it does, we're both probably going to die. Of course, we're probably going to die anyways, so might as well go out fighting.

Even if I'm only able to get Noah out, and I need to stay behind, I'm okay with that. When you find that one person that you can't live without, dying for them isn't even a frightening thought. I've pretty much found comfort in it.

I continue running my fingers through his hair and lean down to kiss his forehead. I whisper in his ear, "I promise, I'll get you out of here."

For the last three days, I've diligently studied the guards that come and go. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who the weak link was. I'm shocked that they let this brainless waste of space guard us. He's our best shot of getting out.

I haven't told Noah my plan yet, cause I'm not sure he can handle anything more on his plate right now.

The cell, or cage more accurately, there keeping us in is no more than a ten by ten-foot space. There's a bucket in the corner for us to relieve ourselves in, and let me tell you, after six days, the smell is unbearable. They didn't even have the decency to provide us with toilet paper.

If we do manage to get out of here, there's a long list of things I'll never take for granted again. Noah is at the top of that list.

When we first started seeing each other it was my idea to keep it secret. And over the last year of our relationship, all that did was make him feel like a dirty secret. Like I was ashamed to call him mine. I did it to protect him, so he wouldn't have to endure the stares and name-calling. Or even the disappointment that he would face from his own family.

People eventually started to suspect us, and rumors have started, but we've never confirmed them. If we make it home, I'll happily walk down every street in our pack holding his hand. I'll make sure everyone knows how proud I am to have him as my boyfriend, and hopefully future mate. Consequences be damned. I'm not gonna hide anymore. I'll never make him feel that way again.

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