Is It Enough?

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Chapter 46
Azariah's pov

The last two days have been a complete blur.

Ryan and Noah went through the Bloodmoons pack census, and guess what? They identified a Mr. Terrance Gibbs as one of their guards. Alpha Tony is in a state of panic, can't say I blame him.

We're pretty sure that Terrance was the wolf Noah killed because nobody has seen him in weeks. So now we have two guards identified, and both from separate packs. This is worse than any of us could have imagined. Now we all don't know who to trust, even within our own packs.

Whoever is behind this, has multiple people in their pocket. Amber and I are positive Malcomb is the one who created the MD4, but is he the ring leader? Or a pawn in someone else's game?

We've been searching through those files every spare second we have. I'm running on little to no sleep and tons of caffeine. It's gonna catch up with me soon, but hopefully not until after we figure this out. And we need to figure it out fast, with solid proof so we can go to Micah and Jace with what we have.

Finn proved to be a big help too. The other day when he wanted to see me, he told me he thinks that it was Chad who helped kidnap the boys. He thinks he's the wolf who died, and I didn't correct him. I told him we were still working on it but might have some leads. He also told me he's almost positive his Alpha was in on it. He's working on getting some solid proof.

I relayed it all to Micah but he still doesn't trust him. He thinks Finn is involved and trying to trick me into trusting him, and telling him what I know. Micah thinks the second I tell him what I know, I'll be the next target. I promised him I'd keep Finn at arms length, and keep myself safe. Otherwise, I'll be getting a babysitter for real.

The truth is, I trust Finn. He's working alone to try to figure out what's going on and is just looking for help. And someone he can trust. I'm fortunate to already have that. I can't imagine being in his shoes, trying to solve a complicated riddle, with no help.

My gut says I can trust him. Look at what happened the last time I didn't listen to it.

And if all this wasn't enough, I also discovered that our mortal enemy from high school isn't the nasty bitch we thought her to be. I almost hate to admit it, but she's kinda nice. I would even go as far as to say, a good person. And that right there might be the biggest head trip of the week.

Priya and I are finishing up our class for the day. I need to be back home for a meeting at two, so I told Alpha Jason I could only do half a day. This works out for me, cause it's Thursday, aka the last workday of the week. Amber is leaving with us, due to the fact that I drove and didn't get the memo about the meeting till after we got here. She certainly wasn't upset over getting done early.

Amber thinks she's close to finding what we need. Hopefully, over the next couple of days we'll have solved the mystery of the Blue Meanies. And if there what we think they are, Goddess help us all.

Amber says there has to be a way to formulate something to counteract them. The problem is it could take a couple of years. And by the looks of things, we hardly have a couple of weeks, let alone years.

Amber comes walking into my classroom, just as Priya and I finish cleaning up, and the three of us head out to my car. Before we exit the building, Finn catches up with us and offers to buy lunch.

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