It's Not Me...It's You

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Chapter 40
Azariah's pov

In case you're wondering how many times dumb and dumber have texted me this morning before work, it's eleven. Combined.

I threatened to turn my phone off if they didn't stop, so they resorted to texting Amber instead. I wish I felt bad about that, but I don't. She needs to take her fair turn, too. She thinks it's cute how much they worry. Well, I hate to break it to you, honey, but give it a few years, and cute won't be the word she uses anymore.

On the way to work, Amber gives me some good news. My sticky fingers the other day paid off. Apparently, all four samples I took have her blue meanies to some degree. Only one of the samples is an exact replica, though. Two were a weaker version, and one was way more aggressive.

She is absolutely beaming as she fills me in on them and is talking so fast I barely catch everything she's saying. She tells me about some experiments she's going to try with them, but I'll be damned if I understand what the hell that entails. I just nod my head and pretend I do.

Both of us are on the same page about how to handle the Chad Harris info. We were going to keep it to ourselves for a bit. Wait and see if Finn has anything more to add, and also use the time to get a feel for his intentions. Cause that's the one thing she does agree with Micah and Jace about. She thinks it's odd that he just gave that information to us.

Personally, I think we can trust him, but I'm not ready to bet on that just yet. Right now, I need to focus my attention on finding the other two guards. And to do that, I'm gonna need pictures of the Snowmoon and Bloodmoon pack members. Amber says she can probably get into their systems, but it won't likely go unnoticed.

They just won't be able to trace it back to her. So I guess if it comes down to it, that's the route we'll have to go. There's no way I'm going to ask Zane to help us. For one, I didn't tell him about Ryan and Noah being found. And two? I'm going there tonight after work to let him know we won't be seeing each other anymore.

I could just text him, but I don't want to ruin our friendship completely. Not that he wants to be friends, but that's all he's getting. Our packs will have to work together in the future, and I don't want there to be this dark cloud hanging over us. If I were to text him, that's basically saying I'm above having to come do it face to face. And I don't want to send that message.

Part way through my work day, I'm tempted to text Micah and tell him 'code red'. Just to see how fast he gets here. Lucky for him I left my inner bitch back home in bed today. I do however call him on my lunch break, because he got the task of calling Alpha Fenris to tell him what we've discovered.

"I see your still alive." Micah says instead of the usual 'hello' most people go with to answer a phone.

"Yup. Lucky you."

He tells me that Fenris was grateful for our help and said he would contact Alpha Tony from Bloodmoon and ask about getting his packs census. Apparently those two have been good friends for over twenty-five years and Tony will likely help. Once he gets it he'll send it over to us for the boys to look through.

"The fact that it's taken over a week for anyone to think of this, is concerning" I tell Micah.

"The priority was keeping them safe while Fenris tried to figure it out. You've just given us a huge push in the right direction." He says with pride in his voice. "I gotta run, but why don't we all get together for supper tonight?"

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