Green light

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Chapter 20
Azariah's pov

I'm not sure why I keep agreeing to see him.

It's obvious he's looking for more than just a friend, but did I really want that? I mean yes, but with him? That I don't know. In order for this to work out for us, one of us will have to move to the other persons pack, and that someone won't be him.

And lets face it, a long distance relationship won't work here. I can't stay in my pack and take on the role of Beta, plus try to be his packs Luna. My brain keeps going back and forth between the two options. If I were to give this a serious go with him, it's only twenty-five minutes to drive back to see my friends and family. Micah would eventually forgive me...right?

But do I want to move? That answer is harder than I thought it would be. Because no, I really don't. But if Zane turns out to be the 'one' then thats my only option.

The smart thing to do would be to stop seeing him. So why can't I just say no when he asks me to go out? Something in the back of my brain knows the answer to this question. It knows why I would consider dating someone that would ultimately lead to me moving away. It tells me I'm running from something, which is fucking ridiculous, because there's nothing I'm afraid of.

"Your awfully quiet there. Something wrong?" His voice pulls me out of my mental turmoil.

"I'm sorry. Just thinking about my stupid lab class. It doesn't matter how Amber explains it, my brain refuses to absorb the info." I hope my small lie will appease him. It's not entirely a lie, I am lost when it comes to that shit.

"Maybe you should come over this weekend and i'll be your personal tutor." The sly grin he's wearing tells me it won't be lab stuff either.

"I'll bet that line works for you alot, doesn't it?" There's no way I'm agreeing to this. Plus, call me crazy, but I just don't entirely trust him yet.

"It hasn't yet" He mutters. "Wanna go get some ice cream?" We just finished supper and decided to go for a walk. The human town we came to this time is one of those cute small ones, has a touristy vibe to it.

There's tons of little overpriced shops, and of course ice cream parlors. Across from the one we were headed towards there was a park with lots of benches and a play area for kids. "I've never said no to ice cream."

"Favorite flavour?" He questions me.

"Don't really have one. I usually get a triple scoop, all differen't flavours." As we step up to the shop I notice there list to choose from is impressive.

We make our way over to the park once we have our ice creams in hand. The sun is starting to go down, we probably have thirty minutes of day light left.The only people that were here was a couple walking their dog and another couple who were sitting on a bench on the opposite side of the park from us. It's nice we have privacy, otherwise we have to watch what were saying. The human world doesn't know about us and we'd like to keep it that way.

There has been close calls over the years, but nothing that's ever had any concrete evidence to prove we exsist. Of course now with all the social media out there we have to be more careful than ever. All the packs have people who are boarderline genius with a computer and there always searching the internet for so called sightings.

There's a lot more than just our five packs too. There's several that are south of us, and a couple to the east. As for overseas?? We have no clue. I'm sure there is but we've never had any contact.

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