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(**this is just stuff that would or has happened in the house apart from all the legal shit --> literally just family stuff so in other words, a break from everything

ALSO, there won't be much Kota in this one because he's not even really in the story yet and the only reason he's in this one is bc i'm writing ahead. AND as I continue to write these little segments, i think i'll include some scenes of Eli with Hitoshi, Katsuki, and Izuku when they were little and maybe some Eli and Touya as teenagers scenes)

Domestic Story 1: Early Mornings 

Eli was tired and she had no idea what the hell was going on. 

Izuku and Hitoshi had been in her bed, asleep. Izuku had a nightmare, and Hitoshi simply was not interested in sleeping in his own bed, but it was fine since this was normal. Shoto came in, in the middle of the night, but she simply scooted over and pat the other side sleepily. 

But when she woke up, she heard yelling. 

Yelling that seemed to wake up the other 3, no 2 as well. 

Had Shoto left in the middle of the night as well?

So, as one does, Eli (still half-asleep) was rushing aimlessly, trying to get downstairs, tripping over herself and the kids. But what actually woke her up was walking past Kota's open door just to see an empty room. 

Suddenly she was downstairs in a huge shirt and staring at 3 people, 2 being grown-ass men, cooking bacon. 

Now that would have been all fine and dandy, but the problem was that it was being cooked via Fire Quirk. 

"Are you fuc-- freaking serious right now?" Eli didn't want to bother trying not to curse as she looked at their frozen stature, but she told her sleepy self that it was for Kota. 

Keigo had found, the PERFECT way to bond with Kota. This perfect way being doing the dumbest shit possible and seeing what happens. 

So there they were, Shoto and Touya sitting on the ground with bacon strips along Touya's arm and some on Shoto's left side. 

They were um... slightly on fire as the smell of cooked bacon finally hit her like a truck. 

 Eli assumed the yelling came from Katsuki who of course was fucking mortified at the bullshit he woke up to see. 

He was just going on a morning run, what the fuck was this?

"What's with all the yelling?"

A tired Himiko waltzed in in Midnight-themed pajamas (which appropriately consisted of some cotton black pajama pants with red glasses on them and a black tank top with a strip of pretty white lace at the top). 

"Ooh bacon," she cheered, skipping over so squat beside Kota and pluck some bacon off Shoto's arm and eat it, rubbing her cheeks at the nice taste. 

"I'm not doing this today," Hitoshi said, walking around them to get to the coffee pot. 

Eli sighed, and suddenly relief filled her body at the sight of everyone unharmed. She walked over and plucked Kota off the ground with a huff. 

"Honey, you don't have any socks on and it's cold," she said with a sigh. 

"Bell are you serious right now?" Katsuki asked, but she could only shake her head and shrug a little. 

"Who am I to question innovation Kat," she said ruffling his head, making him blush a little and sigh. 

"Fine, but I want to try it with my explosions,"

Izuku was suddenly looking at him with wide eyes. 

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