66) Kampung Sungai Danga

237 14 2

Location: Johor, Malaysia

Sender: Miss Az

This incident happened earlier this month. It wasn't just scary.. it actually almost took our lives!!

We are Singaporeans and we often travel to Malaysia. Recently, the Johor tourism made an announcement that there will be a festival happening from 8 - 18 Sept 2022. They called it the Majestic Johor Festival that was happening at Puteri Harbor. 

Obviously we were not going to miss this opportunity and we decided to go on the last weekend before the festival ends. My husband drives a 7-seater car and so there were 6 of us; me, my husband, our 2 children, my younger brother and his wife. We went there on 17 Sept and we even booked a hotel for a 2D1N stay. We planned to go to the festival at night. 

We followed the Waze app for directions and from the hotel, it showed that it takes us 40 minutes to reach the destination of the festival. We begin our journey around 9pm from the hotel and i remembered that we were driving along Ismail Sultan Road and then going through the Iskandar Coastal Highway. Throughout the journey, there were 2-3 random roads that we went through in total darkness because there were no lamp post and there were also no names / road sign on them!

"Johor is one of the most expensive cities in Malaysia! How can there be no lamp post on the roads?" my sister in law jokingly said. 

The roads were so dark that it creeped us all! At the end of the highway, there were 2 exits. On the green signboard, it showed 'NUSAJAYA DANGA EXIT' or somewhere along those lines. On the Waze app (map), it told us to take the exit on the left and we did. It showed on the map that we need to drive through some 800 meters and while driving, we felt like the car was going downwards. My husband was speeding at around 90 km/hr because technically we were still at the expressway according to the map so we were speeding down the slope. We were all chatting and joking around in the car when suddenly my husband hit the breaks!


Do you know what was in front of us?!  Within 200 meters, we could see that the road ahead had already collapsed and the road plunged down! That means if my husband didn't pressed the breaks on time.. our whole family might have died that night!!  My husband was trying to calm himself down and started reciting some prayers. I turned behind and true enough there were no other cars behind us. I checked the Waze app to see if my husband had made any wrong turn but.. it clearly showed that my husband had been following the map correctly. 

Now we had to make a U turn. In order to do that, my husband made an illegal exit because we were not supposed to make any U turns on that road. We went back up and went through the exit on the right. Guess what? We actually reached our destination and we never talked about whatever happened until we reached Singapore again. 

Back in Singapore 2 days later, finally my husband told me what he saw on the road on that fateful night. After my husband took the left turn, we drove down and then he saw on the road there were 3 people.. or rather 3 bodies in halves floating... and they were all waving at him!

"OMG... what's that!?" my husband whispered in his heart and kept this matter to himself at first because he didn't want to panic the rest of us. 

He said that their faces were destroyed like as if they met with an accident! They were all looking at him and waving at him like as if they were showing him down the road! Down the road to die most likely! That's when he decided to press on the breaks and true enough, the road ahead of us was a dead end! My husband has a third eye and that was why he saw those things. 

In the end, we were saved thanks to my husband's quick response and also because my husband was a very careful driver. We also want to include that the government of Johor should close that particular road so that no one else goes through it because this is a very serious matter and it can cause more accidents to happen in the near future. Guess what was the signboard we saw after we exited from that road? It states there on the huge green signboard, 'KAMPUNG SUNGAI DANGA'.  

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