67) Dark Magic (Part 1)

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Location: Marsiling, Singapore

Sender: Anonymous

I was once at the receiving end of dark magic and i want to share this experience here. A little background about me. I am a very fierce woman who is opinionated & straight forward. This happened to me when i was still married to my ex husband. Our marriage was going well and everything was fine. 2 years later, things started to change.

I started to change as a person. I became very quiet, very depressed and just very lonely. It wasn't me at all. For the first 2 years of marriage, i distanced myself a lot from my friends. I could not even talk to my mother because we both have the same character. We just could not get along with each other so in the end, i had no one to go to. Things just started to get freaky.

The first thing that happened was.. the window. Back then, my apartment was on the 20th level and very frequently at night, i would hear someone throwing pebbles on my windows. I ignored them. Then came the noises from the ceiling.

Frequently, i would hear like the sound of kids running. Yes, it sounded like children running and the footsteps were heavy and this only happened in my bedroom. I used to ignore them but one night, i got very disturbed by it. I was really frustrated by the noises so i took a bamboo pole and tried knocking back at them. I took the pole and starting hitting the ceiling of my bedroom.

'THUD! THUD! THUD!' i knocked on the ceiling.

'DHUG! DHUG! DHUG!' someone from the apartment on top was stomping their foot!

I did that twice and they repeated it. I got so mad and decided to confront my neighbors living upstairs. I took upon my anger, didn't even dress up, left my house in my nightgown and went to confront them.

'THUD! THUD! THUD!' i knocked on their door.

A Filipino man opened the door. He was a very petite and small guy. I raised my voice at him and said,

"Can you please ask your kids to stop playing and making noise in the middle of the night?"

"Im sorry? It is only me and my gf living here and my gf is at work. I'm alone in my house." his replies shocked me.

"Then who was the one stomping their foot on my bedroom ceiling?" i asked him.

"I'm sorry it wasn't me. You can have a look around my house if you want to.." he said.

He opened the door to let me in and check the apartment and clear enough, there wasn't any children. He was alone at home. From there, things started to get really creepy because now i know that something else was disturbing me. To make matters worse, after that incident, centipedes started showing up around my house! I would see these centipedes like 5-6 times each day! I don't keep any plants at home and please be reminded that i was always alone at home when all these things happened. All i could do was kill them and i have no idea why they were there in the first place.

I was worried about this whole matter and i had a feeling like something wasn't right so one night, i decided to play some prayers loudly in my room. Guess what happened? I was sitting on my bed and trying to heal myself when suddenly...


Something banged very loudly at my room door! It sounded like someone took the motorbike helmet (my ex had one) and banged it on the door loudly! I was alone at home and of course i was panicking! I quickly switched off the prayers, packed my clothes and slept at my cousin's place that night. I just didn't feel safe in my own house and that was proof that there was something inside my house!! The next day when i told my ex husband about all the stuff that had happened, he acted cold and simply said,

"You are going crazy."

Sometimes i did have to return home because i have 2 cats at home. Things did happened later with the cats too. One night when i was watching the tv when suddenly both of my cats starting making noises at me. This happened in the living room and both of them started to make cat noises. When i turned to look at them, i realized that they were not making noises at me but they were staring angrily at the empty space beside me and just meowing at it. Then one of them started running to the kitchen and back to the living room again. It ran in and out repeatedly from the living room to the kitchen and i felt like it was trying to tell me something. I got up and went to check the kitchen and to my horror, i saw a huge praying mantis (about the size of my arm) and it was just hanging out there!! I have no idea where it came from!

I then quickly called my ex husband and told him what happened. I remember this vividly. He came home, he took the praying mantis and broke it into half! (I was shocked) He acted like as if this was nothing new to him! After breaking the insect into half, he then proceeded to flush it down in the toilet! I was just relieved that it was gone. I almost had enough and one day things started to get really bad and i reached out to my ex's family members. They recommended me to contact an 'Ustaz' (religious teacher) but please... he was just a fake religious teacher!

Let me explain what happened. The person came to my house and he told me to sit down and he started to poke my toe and another part of my body with his stick! He even had the audacity to ask,

"Is it painful?"

"Of course it's painful!" i cried.

"Ah.. that means whatever that's inside your body is already leaving.." he said.

"Huh? Ok..." i was confused.

He didn't even bother to recite any prayers. The worst part of that incident was.. all of my ex's family members were there and they weren't being helpful. I had to pretend like everything was ok and they were just.. laughing at me. My ex wasn't there but yeah, his family belittled my whole experience! I did not feel good at all because i became very stupid!

A few weeks after that incident, my own family had a function. At that function, i shared this whole experience with an aunt of mine who had went through exorcism herself. She listened to me and then she asked me one question,

"Where was your husband when all these incidents happened?"

Something inside me just.. clicked. My ex husband was never around when i was going through all those stuff at home. I was basically alone at home and him not believing me was one of the hardest part of that whole phase. Little did i know....


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