10) The 'Supervisor'

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Location : Permas Jaya, Johor, Malaysia

Sender : Mr Roslan

I work as a full-time night-shift security guard at one of the areas in Permas Jaya. There are times where i would fall asleep during duty. After all, i am still a human being who sometimes feel very tired when on duty. 

One night, i fell asleep but suddenly was awaken by the sound of keys. As i opened my eyes, i saw my Supervisor walking past. In my heart i was like,

"Damn it! How can i fall asleep?! Now my boss have seen me sleeping!"

My Supervisor has a set of keys hanging near his trousers so whenever he walks, we can hear the sound of his keys. I quickly got up, left my phone in the security guard's room and straight away went after my Supervisor. In my heart, i know i'm in deep trouble because my boss have seen me sleeping while on duty.

I saw him walking into one of the toilet so i waited near the door outside the toilet. I can hear someone flushing. Right now, i'm trying to get his attention and show him that i am sorry for sleeping while on duty. Basically i don't want him to stay mad at me. So i asked him,

"Boss, do you need help in anything?"

He said, "Mmm"

My boss is the kind of person when he is mad, he wont answer your properly. In my heart, i know that he's done with me at this point. So i waited outside the toilet trying to prepare myself before getting a good scolding from him. 3 minutes gone, then 4, and then 5 minutes.

I start to wonder why is he taking so long? I opened the door and guess what? The whole toilet is in total blackness! I checked the switch outside, its been turned on but in the toilet, there's not a single light at all and there was nobody in the toilet.

I went back to the guard post area and sat down. This time i am already wide awake thanks to what just happened. I know something is not right somewhere. 

For your info, me and my Supervisor are friends on Facebook. So when i decided to on some prayers in my phone, before that i received a notification from FB.

It was my Supervisor. He had updated his status saying,

"Goodnight and sweet dreams to all"

I replied, "Boss, are you going to sleep?"

He said, "Yeah what do you think? Hah..you playing phone on duty?"

I replied, "Nothing, just wishing you goodnight"

Who the heck did i saw just now?? Who did i followed? Plus the thing can even communicate back by saying, "Mmm"

That's all. Thank you.

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