27) Backpacking In Thailand

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Location : Thailand

Sender : Ms Nur

My name is Nur. My 3 girl friends and myself love to go on backpacking adventures. We have gone to a few countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia and Europe. 

But the one that haunts me till this moment, was our trip to Thailand. This happened to us about 2 years ago. As usual when we travel, we try to save cost and rent out at places other tourists wouldn't go. Normally, we'll only rent one place for one night. The next day we will move and rent out another motel. We are always on the move. That's our principle in travelling.

What happened was we had rented one of the motels but to be precise, it looks more like an old shop house. But in this shop house, there were a few rooms to be rented out. When we first arrived in our room, me being the particular one, noticed that there was a plastic bag with a hanger and it was placed on the window of our room.

"What on Earth is this?" i said looking and holding onto it.

At first, i thought it belonged to the previous tenant. So i took it away and threw it into the bin inside our room. We then went out to explore and see what's there in the area. We only got back to our room..at night about 9pm. What happened was, there's 4 of us but 2 of my friends stayed at the lobby area to smoke while myself and another friend, Ida, went up to our room.

I was the one holding the key and while trying to unlock our room's door, my friend Ida who was standing next to me, slapped my hand and showed me sign language. What she did was she put one finger on her lips, trying to tell me, 'be quiet' and then she pointed onto her ears, still not saying anything but i know what she wanted to say.

Both of us heard the same thing - the cries of woman but it wasn't loud. We were so shocked! We opened the door and on the lights. Everything looked normal, just like how we left it. I then whispered to Ida,

"You heard that right just now?" i asked her.

"I know, i heard it.." said Ida.

"What was that?" i asked her again.

"Not sure but i guess its just coming from next door?" Ida replied.

"Maybe.." i replied her. 

We then went into the room and Ida went to get refresh while i waited for my turn. Luckily for us the toilet was inside the room. Our room didn't have any television so while resting i played with my phone. After sometime, i heard it again. The sound of a woman crying came back. This time, i felt really scared!

"Ida! Ida please be fast!" i raised my voice to my friend who was still bathing.

"Yeah yeah.." Ida replied.

I know i heard it very clearly and i was not hallucinating. Our room was small but its ceiling was very tall. High ceiling. The moment i looked up to the ceiling, only God knows how i felt when i saw that! Attached to the ceiling, i saw its hands and legs stretched out and its long hair covered its face but i knew that it was looking directly at me! This time, i can't handle it anymore.

"Ida come out now! Ida come out now!" i shouted at the top of my lungs.

My heart was beating so fast because i was very afraid that the thing might attack me! Ida came out of the bathroom looking so shocked and puzzled,

"What happened?" she asked.

"Ida..there..look up there!" i said, literally shivering.

"What? I can't see anything.." Ida told me.

I looked up and it was gone. Even the cries had stopped. I was still panicking while Ida tried to calm me down. At the same time, another 2 of our friends just came into the room.

"Hey..what happened?" they asked.

Then, i told them my experience but my friends didn't want to believe me including Ida because she didn't see anything in the room. Despite my pleas, my friends still wanted to stay in that room because its only for one night. In the end i gave in to them but i requested to them to leave the lights on as we slept.

That night, i was the only one who had trouble sleeping due to my experience earlier. The room only had one small queen sized bed so me and Ida slept on the floor on our sleeping mats while my other 2 friends slept on the bed. I forced myself to sleep and i did dozed off for a bit but..something woke me up in the middle of the night. 

The sound of a woman crying came back. I opened my eyes and saw that the whole room was so dark.

"Oh my God..one of them must have off the lights.." i mumbled to myself. 

The cries can still be heard. I was trying to see where was it coming from. First, i checked the ceiling but it was too dark and i could not see a thing. But my gut feeling was telling me it wasn't coming from there. From where me and Ida were, we could only see the edge of the bed and the feet of both our friends sleeping on the bed. 

Remember i did mentioned that 2 of my friends were sleeping on the bed?
Can you make a guess what i saw?! I only saw their feet but instead of seeing 4 feet, i saw 6 feet!  My heart started beating so fast because..whose extra pair of feet was that?!  

I tried to wake Ida up and thank God she did and i whispered to her,

"Ida, look at the bed. Whose pair of feet is that?" 

Ida who was only half awake and still lying down next to me,  took one look at the bed and then,

"Get up!! Oi! Get up!!" Ida suddenly shouted at the top of her lungs.

I quickly on the lights and turned back to see the bed but only saw ny friends in the room.

"Aye..what's with all these chaos? I'm trying to sleep!"one of the girls started whining.

"Hey..i think we can't do this anymore. I suggest we all go down to the lobby now.." i told them.

Without delaying, we went down and told one of the staff what happened. The guy went up to our room with us. He took one good look at our room and then,

"Plastic! Where plastic?!" he sounded very alarmed.

We looked at each other and all of us was still so puzzled because the staff's English was a bit poor. We had a rough time understanding what he was saying. Again he repeated himself,

"Plastic! Window..plastic! Where?!"

Ida was the one who recalled something first.

"Ohh..oh my God! Nur, remember when we first came in there was a plastic bag on the window?" Ida asked me.

"Hmmm..ohh yeah!" i replied.

"Okay, where is it? I think he's asking for it" Ida said.

"I threw it away into the bin.." i said while pointing to the bin in our room.

The staff went over to the bin and thank God the plastis was still there. 

"No plastic..ghost come in.." he explained to us in simple English as he went closer to the window and placed back the plastic at its original place.

We were so shocked. Remember during the day when we first arrived  i threw away a plastic bag because i thought it belonged to the previous tenant? Apparently whatever was in the bag was supposed to protect the room from evil spirits.

This is the reason why they placed it on the window. After he left the room, and there was no more cries to be heard, we went to bed and finally slept peacefully till the next morning.

One thing i did learned from my experience and that is, don't do something without asking if we're not sure about it.

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