51) Taking Care of Sick Grandmother

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Location : Whampoa, Singapore

Sender : Ms Shikin

This recently happened to me. A short story about my experience with the supernatural while i was looking after my sick grandmother.  My grandmother currently lives with my aunt in Whampoa, Singapore. One night, my aunt requested me to look after my grandmother because she and her whole family had to attend to some function.

I arrived at her house about 8.30pm. As usual, my aunt would advise me about some stuffs.

"I've already cooked something for you so if you're hungry, you can just eat as much as you like.." she told me.

"It's okay Aunty, i've already eaten at home.." i told her.

"Alright, i need to rush now and i'm not sure what time i will be back. I will keep you updated.." my aunt replied.

"It's okay no worries.." i reassured her.

I then went into the bedroom that my grandmother was using. She was lying down on her bed, her eyes wide open, looking blankly to the ceiling of her bedroom. I started talking to her as usual,

"Grandma, i'm here today to look after you. Later if you need anything, just call me. I will be outside watching the television.." i told her.

My grandmother just nodded her head. While watching the television, i would at the same time turn to look at my grandmother's bedroom. Normally we keep her bedroom door wide open so that it is easier to hear her calling out to us. Her voice is too soft and that's why i can't even use my earpiece to hear music whenever i'm looking after her. 

An hour passed by and i went over to my grandmother's bedroom to see how she was doing. As usual she was just lying on her bed, her eyes looking at the ceiling. 

"Grandma, do you want me to make a drink for you?" i asked her.

She shook her head, indicating that she don't need anything at that moment. So i went back outside and continued watching the television. After a while, all of a sudden, i heard my grandmother calling me with her soft and trembling voice.

"Kin...Kin...Kin...Kin..." i hear Grandma calling me. 

"Eh..yes Grandma.." i quickly rushed to her.

"Kin..help me.. turn on the light.." she requested.

"You want me to turn on the light??" i asked.

My grandmother's bedroom isn't dark because it has 2 lights. The bedside light is always turned on for grandmother. An orange colored light. So i was confused why she wants the main light to be turned on because she usually don't like it at all.

"Kin.. don't leave the room. Sit here and accompany me.." grandmother requested again.

"Grandma hold on, i take my handphone first in the living room.." i told her.

After a few minutes, i returned to my grandmother's room. There's a small chair next to her single bed so i sat there and her head was directly next to me. My grandmother was using a comforter that night because she said its too cold for her. The comforter was very long and it stretched till below the bed. At the same time, i saw my grandmother's left hand dangling while it was still below the comforter so i hold her hand. 

Her hand was very soft but it was cold so i massaged it. My right hand was massaging while my left hand was playing with my phone. While i was still massaging her hand, suddenly, my grandmother said,

"Kin.. what are you doing?"

"Ohh i'm playing my phone.. looking through Instagram.." i replied.

"No.. your hand..what are you doing?" she asked.

"Hand? Oh i'm massaging your hand. Why.. is it painful? Do you want me to massage the other hand? " i asked her. 

"That is not my hand.." my grandmother's reply gave me a shock!

Instantly, i let go of that 'hand' and then ZAP! It went back below the comforter!

"Hmm..hmm.. that was your hand right?" i was trembling a bit. 

"My hands are on top.. here.." my grandmother showed me that her hands were actually above the comforter!

I saw her hands resting on her stomach. So whose hand was i holding earlier?!  I didn't want to think negatively so i said,

"That was your hand right.. you're purposely trying to make me scared right.." i asked my grandmother jokingly.

"Not my hand, Kin.. Please help me. I want to sit outside. There's someone below my comforter.." her reply almost made my heart jump out of my mouth!

I never felt so scared in my life.

"Grandma stop joking around like this.." i told her.

"I'm not joking. Help me up..please.." she requested.

So i started pulling the comforter. Even while pulling it i felt so scared because my grandmother kept telling me that there was someone below her comforter!  So i read some prayers, closed my eyes and ZAP! I pulled her comforter but there was no one there! Thank God my grandmother is very slim so it was easy helping her out on my own. She slowly got up and i supported her body at the same time while walking her out into the living room.

I let her sit on her medical chair in the living room while i sat next to her on the sofa. I let her watch the television with me. Suddenly, grandmother turned to look at me and said,

"Kin.. help me check if it is still there.."

"Who is there? There's nothing.." i started to feel uneasy.

"Have.. if not, whose hand did you hold earlier?" she told me.

I wanted to reassure her so i got up and look into her bedroom again. The lights were still on and i purposely did not want to turn it out because i was scared. I'm not going to lie. While standing alone in her bedroom, i got goosebumps all over my body like as if something wasn't right about her bedroom! But yet, i could not see a single thing. 

"There's nothing in your bedroom.." i reassured her. 

"Aah..alright.." she acknowledged.

I accompanied her in the living room until my aunt and her family returned. After that, i didn't hear any news about the supernatural from my aunt or any other family members. I guess i was just unlucky to have encountered it and that's all. I know it's not scary to some  people but you're not in my shoes so you wouldn't know how it felt like!

Thank you.

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