46) The Rental House

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Location : Sungai Petani, Kedah, Malaysia

Sender : Mr Moktar

I am someone who lives in Sungai Petani, Kedah. I have a story to tell, about something that happened way back in 2005. During that point of time, we were looking for a house to rent and then a friend of mine who was also a house agent, recommended me this big, beautiful and affordable house. 

Of course we grabbed it. My only regret was not inquiring more about the house. Not long after, my family and i moved into the house. There were six of us; my 4 children, my wife and me. Weird things started happening shortly after we moved in.

One night, while we were sleeping, suddenly we were awaken by loud noises. My wife, my son and myself slowly crept into the living room and saw that our TV was playing on its own!  Then, i called out to my daughters because i thought one of them was playing a prank on us.

"Eh, who switched on this TV in the middle of the night?! Do you think this is funny?!" i was very angry.

All of my children said no. I'm a very fierce father so all of them were afraid of me and they dare not mess around with me. When i saw their faces, i knew they were not lying. So what exactly happened?  The following night, the same thing happened again. I was talking to my wife in our bedroom when suddenly i heard very loud noises coming from the living room.

"Dear, go and have a look.." my wife was worried.

I went into the living room and saw that the TV was playing on its own again!  I switched it off and went back into the room to my wife. 

"How on Earth can that thing be playing on its own?" i asked my wife.

"Dear, actually i wanted to tell you something.." my wife said.

"What is it, Dear?" i asked her.

"From the first day here, i never liked this house. I have a very strong feeling somewhere, something is just not right about this house.." my wife voiced out to me. 

"Why say such things? This isn't our house, we're just tenants here. Maybe there really is something wrong with the TV.." i reassured her.

Surprisingly, after that night, there were no other issue with the TV. Exactly one week later, problems started happening again. It attacked my children first. I have 4 children. My son, the eldest, was 14 years old at that point of time and then i have 3 girls. But it never attacked my son; it attacked only my daughters.

Just imagine, at 2 a.m in the morning, there were loud banging on my bedroom door along with my daughters' cries outside.


"Wait wait!" i was annoyed.

The moment i opened the door, my 3 girls rushed into my room and jumped onto my bed hugging my wife! All 3 of them looked very disturbed and they were all crying. 

"Eh, what is this? Do you know what time is it now?!"

"Dad, we saw a black woman in our room! It was standing near our cupboard!" my eldest daughter explained to me.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Please believe us, Dad! We're so scared of her!" my girls were freaking out.

At first, i didn't believe their words but because they all looked so terrified, i went into their room. Honestly, when they told me about the sighting of a black woman, i was scared. When i reached their room, there were goosebumps all over my body but there was no sign of a black woman. To reassure myself, i checked inside their cupboard. Their cupboard had a sliding door which was easy to open and close. I opened up, checked inside but i couldn't find anything. So i went back to my room.

"There's nothing in your room. Go back and sleep now, all of you" i told them.

"Hmm we don't want.. we don't want..." all 3 girls started crying again.

"Dear, do me a favor. Tonight, please sleep in their room. Just for tonight." my wife requested.

I had no choice because the situation had become from bad to worse. So i gave in. While i was on my way to the girls' room, suddenly i felt so thirsty. I went into the kitchen to get a glass of water when i suddenly heard a woman's voice calling out to me. 

"Moktar... Moktar..." a faint voice came out of nowhere, calling my name.

"Dear? Dear, is that you?" i thought it was my wife at first.

"Moktar... Moktar...." this time it sounded weirder and creepier.

At that moment, i knew that something wasn't right. After that night, there were so many disturbance in that house. We wanted to move out and rent somewhere else but because we had signed the agreement, we couldn't. So we suffered a lot. If i were to add on what else happened, the stories would never end. Today we are living somewhere else and we learnt so much from our little mistake made 13 years ago.

Thank you.

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