3) Woman Without Any Face

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Location : Malaysia

Sender : Mr Haikal

My apartment is located somewhere near the woods. One night, i was craving to have a burger for dinner. Their shop was located about 5-10 minutes away (by motorbike) from my place. So when i got down, near my front yard there is this tall, orange street light. I saw that there was a woman, dressed in factory uniform standing under the light. Her back was facing me. Out of curiosity, i approached her. 

"Hello Miss, are you going to work?" i asked her.

"Hmm" she replied.

"Working night shift?" i asked again.

"Hmm" was all she said.

That was all she replied. Without even turning to face me and talk like how a normal human being would do. So i just walked towards my bike and went on to buy my burger. When i got back from the shop almost 30 minutes later, i saw the same woman, still standing near the orange light. 

I was getting a bit worried for her because she's a lady and its near the woody area. Bad things might happen to her. So i approached her again.

"Miss, why are you still here? Aren't you getting late for work?" i asked.

This time, she turned to face me. My LORD!!!

She had no face at all!! I freaked out and ran as fast as i could to my apartment. I had left my burger on my bike but i don't care anymore. Lucky she didn't follow me home!

I learnt a big lesson that night. Which is to mind my own business because when one starts to behave very oddly, chances are they're not human..

Short Ghost StoriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora