45) Guarding A Haunted Building

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Location : Unknown

Sender : Ms Idah

I had once worked as a night security guard. I have no idea why i chose that job because i'm a woman and women seldom work as security guards, especially at night. Not sure why that year it was so hard to get a job. I was desperately looking for a job so i applied for positions that had nothing to do with my Diploma.

One day, i got a call from this company. They wanted to interview me because they urgently needed manpower. The position i applied for was the Night Security Guard. Most of the interviews that i went for gave me the same famous reply - 'will call you again if selected'.

But this particular job told me to start immediately. Can you imagine how happy i was? Never did it cross my mind as to why they urgently needed night security guards and the salary was very high. So the building i was guarding was an office building. Most of the staff would leave the building latest by 8pm. 

Besides guarding the front gate, i needed to do clocking.  The clocking must be done every night. We start by clocking followed by going to a few stations around the building and then back at the guard room to update what i found. After that, all i need to do was to guard the front gate all the way till the next morning.

My guard room was equipped with radio, a small pantry with some pillows. I thought to myself,

"Wow, if my job every night like this, should be very easy and flexible for me.."

But what i didn't know was.. i was guarding a haunted building! No one told me what exactly happened there.  It was my first night. I was having some biscuits with tea in the middle of the night. So..the CCTV camera next to me suddenly started blinking. I could tell from the corner of my eye. Up till today, i had a feeling that something was trying to trap me. I turned to my right to see the CCTV properly and saw that the lights on the 2nd level was blinking. 

It will go black out for a few seconds and then on again. This repeated for a few minutes. My whole attention was on the screen right now. I kept on staring at the CCTV which was showing me the 2nd level's corridor and then suddenly, i saw something! I saw a woman walking along the dark corridor on the 2nd level!

Naturally at first (because i was on duty as a Night Guard), i thought the woman was trespassing. Okay so apart from having a CCTV, i have another work tool; the microphone. This microphone is so loud that if you were to talk through it, everyone on the building would able to hear you. Honestly, i was a bit lazy to leave my cozy guard room because i thought that woman was a staff there. So i talked through the microphone,

"Excuse me Miss! What are you doing there? The front gate is closed. Please leave this building now.."

So i watched her through the CCTV and guess what? She ignored me completely and just minded her own business. She walked straight into the womens' bathroom! In my heart i was like, 

"Oh my Lord why is this happening on my first night here?"

What i did next was to update what happened inside the activity book. There were a few sections to be filled up like;  'incident, action taken and result'. 

I opened up the book and wrote in,

'Woman walking on level 2 at 1am, used microphone' 

Then what i did next was, i read back the previous nights what happened. What i saw send chills down my spine! Just two days ago, at the same timing, the incident written was,

'An unidentified woman walking on level 2 at 1am'

The night before and the night before and the night before. Almost every night. The previous night guards were all reporting the same thing! And then... i saw what they wrote in under 'action taken' and 'result',

'Walked up to where she was' and result was 'woman vanished' 

It gave me goosebumps! I dare not step out of the guard room till the next morning. The woman had been seen almost every night at the same timing - 1am. Lucky for me, my clocking needed to be done only at 10pm. Later i found out... not long ago, there was a woman who committed suicide inside the female's toilet on the 2nd level!

Thank you.

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