2) The Lady In The Tree

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Location : Pasir Ris Beach, Singapore

Sender : Mr Andy

To all, if you ever want to go to the beach for an overnight event with family and friends, please be extra careful. Especially if you are bringing kids along. Young children have the ability to see the other world things and sometimes they are prone to danger if we didn't supervise them. 

Two weeks ago, me and my whole family, including my nieces and nephews went camping near Pasir Ris Beach. We had booked the BBQ pit, the one located right at the end of the beach. Altogether we had set up 3 big tents. We were all having a good time, you know chit chatting amongst ourselves and the children were playing around. 

It was around 7.30 pm when suddenly my sister in law, Anna, started asking for her daughter.

"Where is Sharon?"

"She's in one of the tents," replied my older niece.

Anna went to look for her daughter from one tent to another but Sharon was not to be found anywhere. She started to go hysterical and made everyone else go panic searching for my little niece.

"Aye! Isn't that Sharon?!" Anna shouted, her hand pointing to one big tree.

There seated near the foundation of the tree was my niece, just sitting there all by herself. We all ran towards her and brought her back to the camping area. 

"Why did you do this to mummy, Sharon?! How many times must i tell you to not wander around by yourself without our supervision?!"

"Babe that's enough," replied my brother.

"Sharon, please next time don't make your mummy or anyone panic ok. If you want to go anywhere, must tell us ok?" i told her.

"But uncle, the Aunty told me to follow her.." Sharon told me.

"Which Aunty dear?" i asked her.

Sharon looked around, right and left.

"She's not here already, Uncle," Sharon replied.

"Next time, if any stranger told you to go anywhere, don't follow them ok?" i told her.

She nodded.

After a few hours around 11 pm, some of us had already gone to sleep while some still eating. I was still wide awake, chatting with my brothers and older nephews when Sharon came to me again. 

"Uncle, the Aunty come again.." Sharon told me.

"Where is she? Show me," i replied.

She pulled my hand and we walked holding hands. I realized that we were going back to the area where we first found Sharon. It wasn't that far from our camping area. Sharon stopped walking suddenly.

"Where is the Aunty dear?" i asked her.

She looked around, right and left and suddenly she looked up, directly at one of the trees.

"There she is! She is sitting on the tree, Uncle!" Sharon said, pointing her finger towards one of the branches of the big trees.

I felt goosebumps all over my body because i know this Aunty was not human. I was very scared but i remained strong for my niece. I looked up but i could not see anyone. I quickly grab Sharon and walked away as fast i could. They say don't run, because we must always try our best to not show these things that we are afraid of them. 

When we got back to the camping area, i gave her a warning,

"Dear, this Aunty is not a good one. Don't follow her again" 

She nodded. I did not inform anyone else regarding this as i know this will cause them to get scared and panic and the thing might attack us, especially the girls.

 15 minutes past and i asked Sharon,

"Dear, is the Aunty still in the trees?"

She said yes. I kept my cool and try to ignore it. 15 minutes passed and i asked her again.

This time, according to Sharon the Aunty was gone. Thank God the thing didn't disturb any of us or follow us back. 

That was one scary incident i will always remember. Remember guys, if you want to go camping and if its near the beaches, if can, avoid bringing kids along. These things, they love to play with our innocent kids and kids won't even think twice as they have yet to recognize the difference between human and ghost.

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