8) Japanese Haunted House

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Location : Japan

Sender : Mr Adam

I am a Singaporean living in Japan. I'm working at one of the schools there as an English teacher. Problems were such that i could not find a house because the houses in Japan are very expensive. One day i saw an advertisement about this house and what caught my attention was its price. It is so cheap! 

Being in a desperate situation, i didn't think much about it and quickly rent this unit. The first few days in the house, i got to admit it gave me goosebumps but nothing unusual happened. Goosebumps went on for about two weeks but again i didn't think much about it either and just brush it off.

Then one night, i was already in bed and getting ready to sleep when suddenly i heard noises in the hallway. It sounded like my television being played and the channels kept on changing as if someone was browsing through it.

I got out of my room and went to the hallway and sure enough, the television was playing on its own and the channels kept on changing again and again. But still at this point nothing occurs to my mind. So i just switch it off and went back to my room.

Just when i was about to sleep, i heard the same noises again. I start to get very fed up and when i peek through my door and see what's going on, i saw a woman sitting on my sofa playing with her hair! Her hair were so long that it stretched all the way to my room! Fear and panic surrounded me. I closed back my room door and then quickly hid below my comforters and started reading prayers. I can still hear the noises outside and all i could think of at that point of time was God. So all i did was keep on reading all the prayers that i know till i fall asleep. 

Luckily the thing didn't attack me or anything. What freaked me out was that her hair actually stretched all the way to my room door! I wasn't satisfied with what happened and so i started asking around. One day, i bumped into this couple who were also my neighbors who live on the same block as me. So we started chatting and slowly i stared telling them what happened and started asking them about the history of my house. 

When i told them my unit number, they both suddenly turned very quiet and just stared at me. I find this a bit odd. The wife then grabbed her husband, trying to drag him away from me and i think she didn't want her husband to tell me anything about it. But because i kept on asking them to help me out and i sound very desperate, the guy finally told me one story.

He told me that the house was vacant for sometime because there used to be a woman who lived there and she actually hanged herself to death! After the incident, strange things started happening to the new tenants or owners of that house and that's why till now no one wanted to live there.

I regret asking them about it because this add on to my fear. I started searching for a new house right away and believe it or not, i stayed in that house for 4 months before finally getting a new house. Thank God it didn't attack me or anything but i lived in that house in a state of fear for 4 months..

Thank you.

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