52) The Woman On The Airplane

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Location : Unknown

Sender : Mdm Sabrina

I have been working as an Air Stewardess for the past 10 years. There are a lot of things that most people don't know about my job in detail. Do you know that apart from carrying passengers and baggage, sometimes, a special request might be made for the plane to carry; a dead body. 

This is by far the only supernatural experience i had while flying. I remember vividly. One night, my plane was flying to Europe. So usually while flying, inside the plane the lights will be out. Most passengers were either resting or sleeping. I was doing one last walk along the aisle, checking if the passengers needed any last request before i went back to my cabin when i noticed, right at the back, a lady with very long hair was behaving a bit odd.

There were 3 seats per row on both sides. She was sitting on the right side and then suddenly, she removed the hand rest and laid down. Her whole body was in a sleeping position. I smiled to myself because i thought it was funny so when i went back to my own seat at the other end, i told my friend, Diana about it.

"Let's go and see the lady." i suggested.

We both went over  to the same seat and when Diana turned to see what the lady was doing,

"OH MY GOD!" she shouted because she was so shocked.

Quickly, we went back to our seats and

"Why did you shout? I thought.." 

"That was NOT funny! Its scary!" Diana scolded me.

I wasn't satisfied with Diana. So i called another 2 of my colleagues, Mohan and Susan to check on the lady at the other end. We saw Mohan and Susan made their way to the other end and when they reached there, they turned to look at us giving hand signs. Their hand signs were telling me that there's no one there!

"Hey what did you want us to see? There is no one at the last seat." Mohan explained to me when they returned to us.

"There is someone there. Guys, please don't prank us now. Cooperate?" i told them.

"Seriously, there is no one there." Susan added.

Not satisfied, both me and Diana went back to the last seat again and true enough, the woman was still there!  We went back to our colleagues.

"SHE IS THERE!" both me and Diana scolded them. 

There was  a small misunderstanding going on between us. Mohan and Susan were now unsatisfied with us so they again went back to the same seat and then, they showed us hand signs with angry reactions on their faces. While they were doing that, suddenly both me and Diana could see the woman sat up and then she stood up! Exactly standing right next to Mohan but they both can't see her at all! Diana and me exchanged shocking looks.

Mohan and Susan already returned to us and while they tried to scold us again, i stopped them. I decided to call our Senior, Derek, to help us prove whose right and whose wrong.

"Derek, you see near the last seat at the other end. Do you see a woman with very long hair dressed in white standing there?" i asked him.

Derek took one look and then,

"No, i don't see any woman there." his answer sent shivers down my spine!

Clearly, the woman wanted only me and Diana to see her. We were not sure why.

"Derek, this is my request. Let me serve only the business class from now on. I don't want to serve the passengers on this side of the plane." i told him.

From there, i avoided the other side of the plane and never wanted to see the woman again. Same goes for Diana. But thank God, our experiences ended there. Only for one night. One frightening night. Who she was? I have no idea but she definitely wasn't human!

Thank you.

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