26) Corpse In The Middle Of The Sea

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Location: Selangor, Malaysia

Sender: Mr Azlan

This mysterious thing happened to me about 2 years ago. My favorite hobby is fishing with friends. We even created a group chat just for fishing members. 

A day before it all happened, we planned on the group chat. About 6 of us planned to go fishing the next day but on the day itself, one by one, my friends backed out. In the end, only 2 guys turned up. Myself and another friend name Rusly.

We decided to rent a small boat and try something new - going right to the middle of the sea.

We first arrived at the beach about almost 6pm and it was on a weekday so there wasn't many people. About 6.15pm we were already on our way towards the middle part of the sea. We rode away from people and the beach. The moment we realized we were surrounded by nothing but the sea, we stopped.

The time was 6.40pm. We have gotten ready all our rods and then we started fishing. To our great surprise, we caught a lot of fishes, big and small. It was a very delightful experience..but not for long...

The time was about 9pm.

'THUD!'  at first we didn't think of anything.

'THUD! .. THUD! .. THUD! ..'

"Rus, did you hear that? What is that?" i voiced out.

"Hmm..not sure.." he replied checking the boat.

But when he checked on the other part of the boat..

"Lan!! Come here!!" he alerted me.

Can you make a guess what we saw?!

The body of a woman floating right next to our boat!! She was wearing all white with super long hair. So this was what making those sounds!!

We panicked! Of course we panicked! I mean..from where did her body came from? And from the looks of it, she's dead. Maybe for hours!! We could see her face as well. A Malay girl..

"What's going? How did she end up here?! There is nothing here except the two of us and we're very far away from the beach! " asked Rusly who was already as pale as a ghost himself.

"How about..we call the police?" i said.

"Have you completely lost it?!" Rusly scolded me

"THUD! THUD!" the body was still floating there.

"Look at this corpse! Its a girl, and we're men. Do you think the police would believe us?" he added.

I kept quiet. He's right. We were lost. Meaning we don't know what to do. We had stopped fishing by then. Both of us didn't talk for about 5 minutes and then..

"I think we should leave. I dont want to be responsible for this because i didn't do anything. We did not do anything wrong.."

"Rus!" i cut him off.

"Did you hear it?" i asked him

He waited for a few seconds and then we both realized that the sounds were gone.

We checked again and the corpse..was no longer there! 

"I think it might have floated away with the breeze or sank. We're leaving right now!" Rusly said while starting the boat.

I sat there thinking about the corpse. How can it float away? It didn't make sense to me. Something wasn't right..

When we reached the beach area, we felt lucky thanks to the fish but there were a thousand questions on our minds. I know Rusly felt the same way too. While we were walking back to our car, I was the cheeky one to turn to look at the boat one last time..

And there she was! The same girl, staring at us as we walked away. I did not want to alert my friend as he was already scared as hell. My heart started beating very fast because i know exactly what is that! I walked faster than ever but luckily it didnt follow us home!

A truly nerve-wrecking experience that i will never forget.

Thank you.

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