56) I Was Disturbed In The Toilet

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Location : Johor, Malaysia

Sender : Ms Fida

This happened in a public toilet at the shopping centre where i'm working at. This shopping centre is popular amongst Singaporeans because a lot of them love to go there for shopping. Hence that's why i can't reveal the name of this shopping centre.

One night, it was almost time for me to go home when suddenly, i urgently needed to go to the toilet. I am working in a Boutique so i told my friend to help me do the closing while i rush to the toilet.

Once i entered the toilet, i checked every cubicle (a habit of mine) and yes, the whole toilet was empty. I went into the center cubicle and started doing my 'business'. Halfway through, i could hear the toilet's main door being closed and then, i heard someone started using the cubicle next to mine. 

The person next to me started 'whistling' in the toilet. In my heart,

"Wow.. this person is really stupid. You're not supposed to whistle, especially in the toilet.."

After a minute, 'she' stopped whistling and started singing inside the toilet. By that time, i was done and i got out of the cubicle to wash my hands. I was washing my hands and at the same time, i could still hear someone singing in the other cubicle so i looked at the mirror in front of me to take a look of what's behind me. 

I saw the top part of someone's hair right at the top part of the cubicle! This means that whoever was in that cubicle is super tall! I turned around and started staring at that hair. I did not realize how long i was staring at it because its..almost unbelievable! Suddenly, that hair started moving creepily upwards and i saw a pair of eyes, the angriest pair of eyes staring back at me! 

I got so scared and now i know that whatever's staring back at me ain't human! I ran for my life and back at my workplace, panting. My friend saw me and,

" Hey! What's wrong? Why are you panicking?" she asked me.

"Earlier.. in the toilet... in the toilet there's..." i did not know what to say.

"There's someone peeking at you? Is it? Wanna call security?" she was worried.

At the same time, she was already walking towards the same toilet and she almost entered!

"No! No don't go in.. and no need security!" i shrieked before she could even touch the door knob.

She backed away from the toilet and came nearer to me again at our shop when she heard me screaming at the top of my lungs for her earlier. She was super confused by that time so,

"There was someone whistling inside the toilet." i explained to her again.

"Ohh... i got it now.." she finally understood that i wasn't dealing with any human earlier.

So that was my experience with the supernatural. I can't explain in words, the exact word to my friend to make her understand that it was a ghost because its always better to be indirect when it comes to talking about 'them'. Honestly, i have no clue what that thing was exactly and why would it haunt the female toilet in that shopping centre. I am still working there until today. 



Whistling is not encouraged because legend has it that whistling is one of the methods to call upon the supernatural. This is widely known in the Asian region but i am not sure if people in the West or other parts of the world believes that. But as the author of Short Ghost Stories, i have a few stories involving whistling which i haven't included in the book and personally, i believe the myth. I hope this piece of information helps. 

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