6) Ju On' s Clone

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Location : Singapore

Sender : Mr Haikal

One night, i was lying down on my sofa while playing my phone in the hallway. The tv was on but my concentration was on my phone as i was watching some Youtube videos. 

My whole family had gone to sleep in their rooms. My main door was wide open but my gate was locked. So what happened was i kept hearing this creepy sound while watching the videos. At first, i thought the sound was coming from the video but something about the sound doesn't seem right.

So i paused the video. Then i hear it again. 

Have you guys ever watch the Japanese horror film called Ju On? The sound was something like that. I looked around and realized that there is someone standing at my main door. The thing had very long hair, its mouth were wide opened and it was staring at me! All the while, the creepy sound was coming from that thing! 

I quickly got up and walked away. I didn't even bother to off the tv but now im in a dilemma. The night was quite late and my main door was still wide open and the thing was still standing there. I was very scared at that point of time. So i just went into my room and slept because i was afraid to even close the door while its staring at me like that.

What an experience with the paranormal i must say!

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