68) Dark Magic (Part 2)

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Location: Marsiling , Singapore

Sender: Anonymous

My aunt had told me all the details about her own exorcism and it took her almost 8 months to recover with the help of a very trusted and experienced Ustaz. I trust her words and a few days later, it was my turn to receive help.

The Ustaz came to my house. All my immediate family members were there; my mother, my father, my aunt and her husband and all my siblings. Yup, you guessed it right. Only my ex husband wasn't there. What i am about to tell you is very vivid. It feels very different when you seek help from a real Ustaz and a fake one. Upon beginning the exorcism, the Ustaz said,

"Close your eyes. If you feel like fainting, just faint. If you feel like crying, just cry. Don't feel scared, we are all here."

The Ustaz started reading the prayers while he held onto my neck. Both my hands were resting on my thighs and it felt like i was in a real life dream. Everything was clear, i was closing my eyes while he read the prayers and then came the first thing. The first thing that i saw in the dream, was a lion. The lion came out of my room and slowly it came closer and closer to me. The worst part was.. the lion was roaring! It came very close to me and it was going closer to the left side of my face!

"I cannot! I need to stop.. i cannot do this!" i cried out loudly and opened my eyes.

"Okay, don't tell me what you saw." the Ustaz said.

"I cannot do it. It was so scary.. something wants to eat me! Something wants to eat me!" i kept on crying.

"I cannot help you if you don't help yourself. The only way you can help yourself is if you stay strong and go on with it," the Ustaz explained.

"Never mind dear, we are all here. It's ok, just go on with it," my mother assured me.

I knew that was weird and whatever i saw wasn't real because when i opened my eyes, i saw my family surrounding me but when i closed my eyes, it was as if i'm really in another world. We tried again. I closed my eyes and the Ustaz continued his prayers and again, i saw the lion. It came closer and closer and suddenly it was gone!

Then, i heard someone opened the main door. It was my ex husband who opened the door. My ex husband has a very distinct smell. Normally when he comes back home, he will keep his helmet inside the shoe cupboard. This time when he came in, he put the helmet on the table, walked in front of me and started laughing at me! He just stood there laughing at me!

Suddenly the dream took a turn and i was in seating in front of my bed. The mattress wasn't on the bed and i saw... i saw a dead body underneath my bed! Oh my Lord!! Then suddenly, a coffin came and sort of took the body away (in the dream) and it was gone!

After that, i opened my eyes and started asking about my ex husband.

"Where is Malik?" (Not his real name) i asked my family.

"What's wrong with you? Your husband isn't back yet." my mum told me.

"No.. my husband came back home and he started laughing at me!" i shrieked.

Everyone was just stunned after i explained and i think everyone knew who sent those bad things / black magic to me. My mother had started crying because.. maybe she didn't expect my own ex husband to sent those things to me. She told me to pack my stuff and stay with them instead.

"Next time if we do any of these ruqyah (Islamic exorcism) sessions, we do it at your mum's place. We don't do it here." the Ustaz told us.

Maybe he can feel how negative the aura of my house was at that time and there was definitely things in there.

"There is no cure and the only way for you to save yourself is, your worship. The way you worship. Don't miss any prayers, read the Quran and everything." the Ustaz explained.

At that point of time, i knew i wanted to divorce my ex husband. He didn't care about me and my whereabouts. It took me sometime to get fully cured. A few weeks later, i had an episode when i was reading one of the prayer book and mind you, i was actually doing it on a public bus! Learnt a big lesson from there. I wasn't fully cured and when i read the prayers, it felt like i was having a heart attack! I quickly called my father and he told me to take a taxi home.

They called the Ustaz again and this time, i heard something else trying to communicate to him instead of me! I was lucid throughout that whole ordeal but it felt like... i was just a puppet. That's the feeling of being possessed. I knew what was happening yet i cannot do anything to stop it. After successfully removing whatever was inside me, the Ustaz asked,

"I am going to return this thing to it's owner. Are you ok with it?"

"I feel bad because.. if it's him, he's my ex husband." i wasn't sure honestly.

"Why do you bother? He's not related to you anymore." my mum said.

We finally agreed to send it back to the owner. 3 months later after i was fully cured, i received a phone call from one of my ex's cousin.

"Eh, are you coming to the funeral?" she asked me.

"Why what happened?" i asked.

"Oh.. your ex father in law passed away." she explained.

After talking to her, i realized that many tragedies happened to my ex's family. Amongst the things that happened were, one of his uncles got into an accident, another family member got sick and now his father passed away.

"I think it's better that you don't come to the funeral because... they are all thinking that you send bad things to them." her explanation shocked me.

My mother was not happy with my ex husband's family because they victimized me. They blamed me for everything that happened to them. I think that's just how dark magic works. If you send dark magic and it didn't work on the person or if the infected gets fully cured, it will definitely come back to you 10x worse. I guess that was what happened to them.

Anyways, my story has a happy ending. I am now happily married and thankfully my new husband is a very nice guy. I want to share the story here for all readers to learn something from my failed relationship. My past gave me a very big lesson; even your love ones is capable of doing bad things to you.

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