34) Swing Moving On Its Own

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Location : Shah Alam , Malaysia

Sender : Mdm Zimah

I live in Shah Alam, a small town in Malaysia. Nearby my house, there is a playground. I love to bring my son to play whenever we have time.

One night about 8pm, as usual i brought my son to the playground. He loves to play the slide. For me, i just sat at one of the benches, keeping a lookout for him. My son kept playing the slide non-stop and he didnt bother to try the other rides. Thank God for that! I will tell you why i said this.

There was nobody else on the playground except for us. What happened was, i noticed that one of the swings behind the slide area moved on its own! There were two swings and if it was caused by the wind, both of them would move but no!

Only one of them was swinging on its own. It was very obvious 'something' was seating on it!! I began to panic!

"Adam! Stop playing now!" i called out to my son.

"Wait, Mummmy. I still want to play!" my son was being rebellious.

"I said now! We're going to go home now!" i raised my voice, being more stern to him.

To make this whole experience more creepy, the moment i reminded my son about going home, the swing suddenly stopped moving! The flooring of the playground is filled with sand.

I could see footsteps walking towards us from the swing! I ran towards my son, carried him and quickly left the area. As i was rushing back home, my son kept saying,

"Scared, scared. Im scared! Mummy, im scared!"

Since he was facing the back area as i carried him, i think he could see what was following us! So i ran back home as fast as i could.

Thank God this whole experience stopped there and its a miracle that whatever the thing was didnt follow us back home.

Just imagine the night was still early. This happened before 9pm. One good lesson for me. I will never bring my son to the playground after 7pm again.

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