47) When I Was A Nurse

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Location : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Sender : Ms Noraisha

I used to work as a Nurse at one of the hospitals in KL, Malaysia. I worked there for 1 and a half years. Why i stopped? This is my story. In fact, i have a few stories to tell. 

The year was 2007. I had just left my village to start living in Kuala Lumpur because i had gotten a job as a Nurse at one of the hospitals there. They attached me to an all female ward.  A year passed by and i was doing very well. But things started to get weird  in 2008. 

Each time we change shift, before we start the job, there will be a briefing session. For example; they will update us regarding the patients' statuses, including the patients who had passed away. Something very creepy happened to me while working there. 

Such things always happen whenever i was on night shift. Part of the job was to do rounding. What i did was; i would go around the ward and check on the patients, bed by bed. There would be a clipboard at the end of the bed. One night while i was doing my rounding, as usual i would go check on the patient and update. 

"Bed 1, taken the pills, checked. Bed 2 will be released tomorrow, checked. Bed 3, eh.." i stopped in my tracks. 

I looked properly at her name and i whispered to myself,

"Isn't Bed 3..supposed to be empty? Isn't she the one who passed away last night?"

For a few seconds, it did give me some chills. Quickly, i rushed back to the main counter and looked into the records to make sure i wasn't wrong. Sure enough, Patient 3 had passed away the night before at around 23.45 pm! My heart was beating very fast! 

"How is this possible?" i whispered to myself.

I was scared but at the same time confused so i gathered all the courage in me and went back to the same bed. Guess what? She vanished into thin air!  That was one of the first few disturbances. But it didn't stopped me from working because i loved my job.

Another night, while i was on duty with one of my colleagues,

"Missy..missy..nurse..nurse.." i heard a patient's voice calling out to me.

I looked over and saw someone standing right at the end of the corridor.  A woman was calling out to me. I was very busy so i told my colleague to attend to her.

"Which patient? There's no one there..." she told me.

"Huh? There was someone there.."  i looked over and saw.. nothing! 

I knew i wasn't dreaming. I really saw someone there. I was among one of those few nurses who always encounter supernatural stuffs and i had no idea why. Even this wasn't bad enough to make me quit but..one night, it changed everything! 

We had a patient who loved talking to herself. Let's call her Aunt Laila. Most of the time she would be seen resting on her bed but whenever any of the nurses including myself went closer to her, she would say,

"Later if.. i die, i will follow you back home..." 

This really freaked us all! We never knew why. She was a very old lady and on the night she died, I still remember very clearly. I was on duty and i was doing my rounding. While i was standing near her bed, i saw that she was gasping for air. I quickly approached her,

"Aunty..aunty..." i panicked.

I pressed the emergency button to give signal to the other nurses and also the Doctor.  While waiting for them, i was trying my best to calm her down. She was still gasping for breath when i suddenly notice that she was trying to tell me something. So i placed my face closer to hers,

"I want... to follow... you home..." that was the very last thing she said just before she died!

Do you think i don't feel scared hearing something like that? Do you know that the next morning i felt so scared to go home? Back at home, i can't even find peace because the image just kept on playing on my mind! I was living alone inside the rental house so it makes it 10x more creepier!

Just imagine, while i was sleeping, i heard the same voice. How she sounded, gasping for breath..it was so clear next to me with the same exact words! That was the first night only. As days goes by, things started happening in my house until one night, i literally saw the same old woman lying down on my bed! 'She' really followed me home!

I couldn't take it anymore. Finally, i went to meet someone who could help me in this matter and he told me that inside me, there is an attraction for the supernatural, especially the ones at the hospital! That was why i was able to see them very easily and it was easy for them to target me. Imagine how crazy is that but what he said was true! I went through multiple ways to get rid of this and thanks to God, it did cure but it took sometime. I had since resigned and i never work as a Nurse anymore even though its my passion. 

Thank you for listening to my story.

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