28) Abandoned Level At KLCC

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Location : Kuala Lumpur, KLCC, Malaysia

Sender : Mr Iswandi

Do you know that there is an abandoned level at KLCC? I used to work as one of the Security Guards at the famous twin towers in Kuala Lumpur - the KLCC. Not the shopping mall but the towers. One of them has one level that's full of mysteries.

I am not sure why this particular level is being abandoned. But due to it being abandoned for too long, other 'things' must have occupied that area. My story goes like this..

One night, i was doing my rounds. The time was about 1.00 am in the morning.  All staff must have gone back by now. The building rules is that you can't take the lift without supervision of the guards at certain timings. What happened was when i got into the lift, it smelled very nice, like the smell of a flowery perfume. This means..someone just got into the lift maybe 2-3 minutes ago! So this made me very curious because its already very late and i'm very sure i was alone in the building. 

In the lift alone and now the lift is approaching the level that's abandoned. The door opens and i could see this dark and abandoned long corridor in front of me. All i need to do is check that no one's around. I went from right to the left part of the level and then

'TEET' tapped my card. 

Once i tapped my card means its cleared. So what happened was..i got back into the lift and as the doors were closing halfway, i could see standing in the dark corridor right in front of me, there was a woman with long hair looking to the floor! Words cant describe how i felt at that moment! 

The lift continued to go up. I knew that something isn't right. Goosebumps all around my body because the whole lift still smelled so nice! The lift went up one level, i did what i did in the previous level and again..as the doors were closing, i saw her! I couldn't do anything because i need to do my job. I mustered all courage and went through the rest of the levels quickly. 

Once i had done till the top level, my job is done. Now to go back to my guard house, there was only one way out..the lift will have to go through all the levels in order to reach the ground level.

So now in the lift on my own, still feeling scared but i dont show these things that im scared. The lift is going down.. BUT suddenly..

'TING!' it stopped at the abandoned level! 

My heart was beating super fast! The doors slowly opened but thank God she's not there. The doors closed back and the lift continued its journey down. In my heart, i was like, 

"Please be fast..please be fast..." 

I was panicking because i fear to see her again. The lift reached the ground level and i ran as fast as i could to my guard house. Thank God i never see her again. I could not reveal exactly which tower and level. I have since left the job and would never want to encounter anything mysterious/ paranormal like that again.

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