11) The 'Rider'

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Location : Shah Alam, Malaysia

Sender : Mr Wan

My experience is about a street in Shah Alam. Each time i pass through this street, i will feel scared. You can try asking those who stay in Shah Alam. There is a street which is very infamous for being haunted. I will not mention the name of the street here. So each time i pass through this area, my bike will feel very heavy, like as if someone is seating behind me.

I am a motorcyclist. I know what it feels like when someone is riding with me thanks to their weight (the heaviness). But this doesn't happen to me like once a week. Look at my luck. Sometimes once a month, sometimes once in 3 months. But every time it happens, i will feel very..creeped out. 

So each time it happens, i would start to talk to the 'thing' like,

"Please dont disturb me. I'm not here to disturb you, i am just passing through"

After that, i read the famous 'Ayatul Kursi' (one of the Islamic prayer) for protection. Then slowly, the heaviness is gone. You can feel it and everything comes back to normal. All this while i only felt the presence but i've yet to see it until one night..

My friends and i were just hanging out at one of the Coffee shop. At first, most of them agreed to go home together but in the end, its just me and another friend of mine. What happened to the rest of them was they start to get naughty when they met a few girls. You know the usual.. they start to flirt with them and plan to give these girls a ride home and stuff like that.

So in the end its just me and Shafiq. So as we ride home, we must go through the creepy street which i mentioned earlier. So when we were there, i reminded Shafiq,

"You remember the street i was telling you about?"

"Yeah why?"

'This is it. You go first and be careful. I'm right behind you"

So he went through the street while me behind him still just sitting on my bike, watching him. Everything seemed normal at first but halfway through, suddenly i saw it. I saw something sitting behind my friend. 

All this while i just felt its presence but now that i've seen what it looks like, only God knows what i felt at that moment. Feeling its presence was fine but now whenever if i pass this street and i feel the heaviness, i know already who decided to sit behind and accompany me through...

Thank you.

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