18) Watching Scary Movie In The Hostel

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Location : Melaka, Malaysia

Sender : Ms Nur Yanti

This happened to me a few years back in a hostel in Melaka. It happened during one of the short semester breaks. Most of the girls would go back home to their families but unfortunately because my hometown is in Kedah, i stayed behind. The reason was because the journey from Melaka to Kedah is quite long and i still had some unfinished projects to settle. 

One of the nights, i had used the hostel's multimedia room to watch a scary Indonesian movie. I watch this movie with another friend of mine. So we started watching about 10pm at night. Even though its quite late, the room was filled with students. But slowly one by one, they all went back to their own rooms. The movie that we were watching was a very old one and the name of the movie was 'Pengabdi Syaitan'. The only people left were me, my friend and another room mate who was also using another computer at that time. Let's call them Hani and Siti respectively.

"Eh, did you hear that? I heard someone gave the Salaam.." Hani said.

"Why did you have to say it out loud?!" i scolded her.

"Aye..relax la..i was just joking.." she said with a small laugh.

"Its not funny. You shouldn't make fun of such things.." i remind her again.

So we continued watching and another hour past by. This time it's already 11.30pm. 

"Aye.. you want some drink?" Hani suddenly asked.

"You know that we're not allowed to bring in food/drinks into this room right?" i remind her again.

"Don't be so scared of the rules. Besides there's no one else here and its quite late already. No one's going to see.." Hani replied.

My friend Hani is one really stubborn girl. But she is right because there's no one else there besides the three of us at that time.

"Alright, buy me a drink.." i finally agreed with her suggestion.

"Siti, you want any drink? " Hani asked Siti who was still playing another computer.

"Yup and thanks!" replied Siti.

I watched Hani walk through the main door before i continued watching the movie. About 10 minutes later, at the corner of my eyes, i could see a figure standing near the back door at the other end of the room.

"Oi..Hani! Why are you standing there for??" i called out to the figure.

When i called out to that figure, Siti was still facing her computer. Just a few seconds later, when she turned to see, that figure had just walked out of the room by the back door. Thinking it was Hani, i started to complain to Siti because i thought Hani was up again with her stupid pranks.

"Just look at her..its late at night and she still can try to scare me with her stupid jokes.." i told Siti.

"You wait here..i'll go find her..." Siti replied while eyeing my legs when i tried to get up of the chair.

The thing was.. i had sprained my legs while playing Basketball a day before so i couldn't move around so much. Siti left through the main door to go find Hani while i continued watching the movie. This time, i could here something even though i was alone in the room..

I heard the sound of a child crying. At first i thought it was coming from the movie. So i brushed it off. Then i heard the sound of children whispering. So i bring down the volume to hear it. Clear enough, behind me, i can hear the sound of children talking to one another!

"Hani..Siti..stop fooling around! It's not funny!" i said.

 When i realized that my friends have yet to return, that's when i start to feel really scared. I got up and walked to  the main door slowly. I had to walk slower than usual because of the sprain. Just when i was about to reach for the door knob, the door opened from the outside and i shrieked so hard that i lost my balance and fell. When the door open, both my friends were standing there looking at me.

"Yanti..let's go. Let's go back to our room.." Siti told me. 

My friends helped me up and slowly we walked to our room. 

"But why? The movie? We haven't off the computer yet.." i told them.

"Never mind we can off it tomorrow.." Hani said.

Back in our room, i asked them again..

"Why you guys didn't let me off the computer?"

What they told me gave me goosebumps. They said when they opened the door, they not only see me but they both saw a young girl with long hair sitting on the chair and was watching the movie. One more thing, according to Hani, she didn't show up at the back door of the room.

So the big question is..who did i see at the back door?

My hostel, especially the multimedia room was known to be haunted and that isn't the first time students have seen supernatural things. Students who stayed back late will experience something frightening that they will remember for the rest of their lives. Thank you.

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