36) Mystery Of The Hair Extension (Part 2)

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Location : Thailand & Singapore

Sender : Ms Rina

"Rina, i think tonight we don't need to sleep in our room. We sleep in this room.." Sheila suggested.

That night, all 4 of us slept on the King size bed in the other room. It was really hard for me and Sheila to sleep in our own room. While we lay on the bed trying to get some sleep, we could hear loud noises from the other room. Someone playing with the TV so loudly. The problem was, there was no one in the other room.

The next morning, the 4 of us went into the other room to take mine and Sheila's belongings and shift everything to the other room. We felt cheated. Not because the hotel is bad. We paid in advance for 3 days, 2 nights stay in this 2 rooms but in the end we only used 1 room.

The last day we were there, we went shopping before heading home. But the problems didn't end there. When i got back home in Singapore, problems started appearing almost every night.

I have one younger sister and we shared the same room. The bed that we share is a double-deck bed or some say bunk bed. I slept on the lower part while my sister slept on the upper part of the bed. One of the nights, while we were already on bed trying to sleep,

"Big Sis, Big Sis, Big Sis.." my sister called out to me.

"Yeah.. what is it?" i asked her.

"Big Sis, do you mind, please help me to switch on the lights?"

"What.. why.. just do it yourself.." i was getting irritated.

"Big Sis, please help.." my sister begged me.

Finally i gave in. I rose up lazily and switch on the lights of our bedroom. Then my sister got down from the bed and called me to follow her to the living room. So once we're in the living room, i started asking her,

"Why what happened?" i asked her.

My sister told me that when she was sleeping, she was woken up by the sound of someone talking. She knew that it was me because it was my voice that she heard but.. She told me that i was talking in my sleep and that too in Thai language! I was shocked to hear this but i tried to joke around with my sister and said,

"Yeah right.. i just came home from Thailand so maybe i've started talking like one.." i tried to her calm her down.

"No Big Sis, your voice was so different. Your voice was so creepy.." my sister explained.

"Don't worry, it's nothing.." i reassured her.

A week later, all of a sudden, my mother fainted for no reason at all. This happened in my house. So we called in an expert to look at her and while he was trying to cure her, my mother replied him in Thai language too! The expert asked questions but she only replied him in Thai. She was clearly being possessed by something!

In the end, my father contacted one of his friends who could understand Thai language. He came and my father asked him to translate whatever my mother said.

"This belongs to me. Give it back to me.." 'she' said.

We asked her more questions but 'she' kept quiet. 'She' didn't explain in detail what 'she' was looking for. My whole family was in a lot of pressure because at first, we couldn't figure out what 'it' wants. In the end, i suspect that whatever problems that we were facing, maybe it was coming from my hair extension. So i told my father,

"Dad, maybe its my hair.." i told him.

"What's with your hair?" he asked.

"I did hair extension to make my hair longer when i was in Phuket but they told me that they used hair that belongs to women who are still alive..not dead women.." i explained.

At the end of the day, the more we asked the 'thing', the more 'it' gave us signs that yes, it really was my hair extension. But i don't know if this was a good thing or bad thing. I went to Thailand to do hair extension but whatever the 'thing' was, followed me back home all the way to Singapore until it disturbed my whole family.

When they did hair extension, it sticks to your head. It takes hours to put it on and i have no idea how to remove it. I didn't want to waste my time so no choice, i was forced to cut off my hair. When they cut it away, my hair wasn't nice at all. Some parts of my hair was too long, some parts too short. I trimmed them but nothing works.

In the end, i started wearing the headscarf or some call it the hijab. At first i wore it because of my hair but slowly as time goes by, i became more religious until today. In another way, this whole experience with the supernatural, in the end has a good ending or should i say, a new beginning for me.


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