15) Door Shaking Vigorously

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Location : Singapore

Sender : Mr Wal

I am working as a security guard at one of the most popular shopping centers in Singapore. I will not tell anyone the name of the shopping center (scared later no one would go there to shop). What i'm about to tell you really happened to me. I will make this short and nice to read.

One night while i was on duty with another colleague, after everyone had gone home and the mall is closed, the alarm system suddenly goes off which means something isn't right. This happened at about 1230am. 

So usually one will stay in the guard post and another guy will check the actual area. So i went to check out the area. From far, i could hear the main door of the mall shaking vigorously, as if something big on the other side is trying to break in! I panicked! 

I walked faster than ever, even though still far i can hear it. I took out my walkie talkie and told my friend,

"Wan, check the security cameras now! The door is shaking vigorously! Check and see who's outside!" 

So my friend check all the cameras and he said,

"Dude! There's nothing here!"

"Are you sure? Im at the West Wing, check again.."

He checked again twice, and said the same thing. I wasn't satisfied because im still walking towards West wing gate and i could hear the door shaking violently! A few minutes later, i stopped in my tracks when i saw that..the door wasn't shaking at all. I waited for a while, nothing happened.

"Dude, come back to the guard room now!" my friend said through the walkie talkie.

"What happened?!" i asked.

"Just come now! Faster!" he said, sounds a bit terrified.

Before returning back to the room, i turned back to look at the door one last time to make sure everything's fine. I ran to the guard post because i was afraid something happened to my friend.

"What happened? What did you see?" i asked him, upon returning.

"When i was going through the cameras for the last time, when you were still there, i saw.. a  woman standing right at the wall..right behind you. I saw you turned to check the area one last time before running away...Did you see her as well?!"

"Huh?! I didn't see anyone there. I ran because i thought something happened to you. Is she still there??" i asked, looking at the monitor.

But when i look at all the monitors, there was nothing there. Nothing happened after that incident. It showed up once. I have been working there for nearly 3 years and this is the first ever encounter. Believe it or not it's up to you. Thank you.

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