57) The Apartment

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Location : Ampang, Malaysia

Sender : Miss Rina

This happened 3 years ago. I got a job in a city called Ampang in Malaysia and so i decided to rent a condominium apartment there. The apartment had a beautiful view at night, especially the one near it's balcony. That was the main reason why i chose that apartment.

But there was only one problem. Let me tell you from the start. 



It was already past 11 pm and i was just resting near my balcony, enjoying the view when i first heard that sound. I walked back towards my living room. The sound came from the apartment exactly on top of mine. Knocking on the floor so that the neighbor below them, who happened to be me, won't be at peace.

I ignored it at first. I tolerated the same thing every night for the first week i stayed there. One night, i couldn't handle it anymore. The sound of someone knocking their own floor came back as usual every night. I got furious and went into the kitchen. I  took out the long metal rod that was already placed there (God knows why) and went to the same spot where the knocking happened and knocked back at them!



To my surprise, the knocking stopped after i knocked back at them.

"See? Now you know how it feels. Serves you right!" i whispered to myself.

The next morning, when i was on my way to work, i bumped into the condominium's security guard and decided to ask him some quick questions before heading to work.

"Uncle, peace be upon you. Can i ask you something?"  i started the conversation.

"Peace be upon you too. Sure, what is it?" he replied.

"Umm, how long have you been working here?" i asked again.

"Are you new here? I have been working here for a very long time. Why?" he said.

"Yes.. i mean.. it's just that, my neighbor upstairs has been disturbing me. Every night for the past one week, they will be knocking their floor very loudly and it disturbs my peace of mind at home." i explained myself to him.

"Ohh..which apartment are you staying at?" he asked me.

"Apartment number #10-9118." i told him.

"Eh.. isn't that..wait..the apartment on top of you..it is abandoned right?" he asked me, looking  confused.

"What??  Are you sure, Uncle?  Please check first, you might be mistaken. I haven't got the time to meet my neighbors yet since i have been busy working during the day. I need my rest at night but instead, i got disturbed by those knocking sounds!" i was getting impatient. 

"Okay, let me check for you again and get back to you as soon as i can." he tried to calm me down.

Two nights later...



"Oh my god! Give me a break!!" i shouted.

I was already holding the metal rod standing like a half lunatic in my living room.



"WHAT DO YOU..OH WAIT.." i realized that the sound was coming from my main door this time.

I opened the door to see the same security guard smiling back at me, looking puzzled to see me holding the metal rod.

"Peace be upon you, my child. I have already checked for you and indeed, the apartment on top is abandoned." he explained.

"What!??! How can that be, Uncle?!?  Can't you see i am holding this metal rod? Each time the knocking starts, i knocked back at them!" i was raising my voice because i was getting very upset.

"Well, here's the notice about the apartment. It says here that the owner had already given back the house keys. I even went up to the apartment earlier and.. the house was empty. Please be careful with what you're doing. There is really no one living on top.." the Uncle reminded to me.

"Umm..please don't make me scared, Uncle. How long has it been abandoned?" i was getting scared.

"According to this notice, it has been 4 months and no has been living there ever since.." he told me.

I thanked the guard and closed the door. I kept the metal rod to where it's supposed to be and went into my room to get some sleep. Believe me or not, later that night, something happened. Near my bedroom window, i heard a very noisy sound. I was lying on my bed and then, from the corner of my right eye, i could see a head floating! It had very long hair and was looking at me but i pretended to not notice it!

It was there for a good 2 minutes! I was feeling very scared and tried to read some prayers till i fell asleep. I woke up the next morning and i broke down for a bit. My head was spinning because i didn't know what to do. I wanted a good solution for this matter. I had deposited a large amount just to rent this apartment and now, i have to deal with this. I even invited friends over to stay with me during those 2 weeks. One of those nights, i had friends over and suddenly, those loud knocking sounds started again...

"Eh Rina! How do you even sleep?!  It is so noisy!  Please go and make a complaint!" my friends told me.

"If i tell you the truth, you won't believe me." that was my explanation.

My stay in that apartment lasted 3 weeks before i found a new one. So what if it has beautiful view at night but i am not at peace? Ain't that true? I was living in hell for 3 weeks. Scared and disturbed. I am now no longer living in that city and that was my experience with the supernatural. One very unforgettable experience. Thank you.

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